This video shows how Connections provided the collaboration solution for a particular scenario. |
Take a tour of Connections and see how you can use Connections features to collaborate with a team. |
This video shows how to add a custom library to your community and collaborate on Enterprise Content Management server files. |
An introduction to the moderation feature introduced in Connections 3.0.1. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Blogs, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Bookmarks, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
Here's a quick demonstration that shows how simple and easy it is to add a Google Gadget (in this case the one from Facebook) to the Lotus Connections homepage, and all in less than 1 minute! |
Here's a quick demonstration that shows some of the capabilities provided by Lotus Connections directly on your iPhone: |
This is a quick demo that shows how to easily keep track of the content and actions that your colleagues are doing in Lotus Connections. |
Here's a quick demo of how to easily create and email a newsletter for your Lotus Connections Community directly from Lotus Notes based on the activity that has ocurred in the community: |
Here's a quick demo of how to easily create a LiveText widget in Lotus Notes to retrieve someone's Profile wherever you see a person's name show up: |
This video shows the main features of Connections Wikis, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Files, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Activities, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Search, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Profiles, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Forums, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Communities, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
This video shows the main features of the Connections Home page, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |