Take this video tour to learn some of the new and changed features in Lotus Notes 8.5.2. |
New in Notes 8.5.2: From Mail, Calendar, or To Do, you can open your Contacts by selecting the switchto icon and selecting Switch to Contacts . Note : You must be using Notes 8.5.2 client, and 8.5 or higher mail template. For a complete list on 8.5.x features and requirements, see: a ... |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can make a contact or group private, to hide it from anyone who has access to your contacts but not your mail. If someone has access to your mail, then he or she can see private contacts and groups. To mark a new contact or group as private, click the Mark Private check box ... |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can send someone a group or location from your contacts. The recipient gets an email that allows them to import the group or location into their contacts. To send someone a group, go to Contacts, open Groups, select the group you want to send, and then click Send. To send a ... |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can set a preference to close an email after you reply to it or forward it. To set this preference, click File Preferences, click Mail, and then select Automatically close original email when replyingforwarding on the Basics tab. |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can set a preference to always get a return receipt when recipients open mail you've sent to them. To set this preference, select File Preferences, select Mail, and then select the check box next to Send me a Return Receipt when recipients read mail I send. |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can set the following Notes.ini to have the preview pane collapsed by default in mail and calendar: ShowPreviewCollapsedInitially1 Note: This only affects the default behavior. So, if you set this as 1, the preview pane will be collapsed the first time you open Notes. After ... |
In Notes 8.5.2, Notes remembers if folders were open or closed the last time you exited Notes. If a folder was open when you exited Notes, it will be open the next time you start Notes. If it was closed when you exited Notes, it will be closed. |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can sort messages by type, such as email, to do, or calendar entry. Click the type icon to sort messages by type. |