When readers post comments to your DominoBlog based Blog you want to know about it.
The standard Domino blog (based on dominoblog.ntf template) provides an easy way to enable the notification, which unfortunately is not enabled by default.
This article describes how, and also describes another method using RSS feeds.
Method 1. Email-Notification using functionality built in standard Domino Blog
Step 1. Open the Blog configuration document (Via Advanced, Configuration\Configuration Document)
Step 2. In the configuration document, under Discussion tab, Basic sub-tab you need to enable set the field "Notify via Email of Site Comments" (you can leave the rest of the fields to default value)
Step 3: Ensure that under the Site Settings tab, Advanced sub-tab you have entered an Notification email address
Step 4. Observe that the notification email comes in (this might take a few minutes)
Method 2. Notification via RSS-feed reader.
By default the RSS-feed generator is enabled for your domino blog, and you see the "Comment Feed" link under the section "Feeds".
(if you hover it notice how the status bar of your browser indicates it links to a ".rss" URL)
What you need to do is to integrate this link into your RSS-Feed reader.
1. Copy the URL from the "Comment Feed" link under the section "Feeds".(Right-Click, copy Link location)
2. Open the RSS-Feedreader application, in this example I use the built-in RSS reader of the Notes-Client
3. Click on the square-RSS icon with the +-sign to add an additional link
4. In the window that pops-up paste in the URL you copied in step 1, and click "GO"
5. In the dialog that shows up configure how often you want the site to be polled and change the description of the blog if desired, and click OK
6. Notice how the blog is added to the list, and its comments are shown (you might need to click the refresh button to poll for updates the first time)
7. if you click on a comment, a window slides out with the content
more related content might be found via my blog