Setting the default priority, date, time, or alarm for flagged emails Added by ~Julia Breresonakoi on August 4, 2010 | Version 1
No abstract provided.Tags: follow-up, follow up, flag, flags, flagging, image, icon, due date, date, alarm, mail, email, 8.5, 8.5.1, moving_mail, moving_mail
You can flag an email to indicate that it requires you to take follow-up action. You can set the default priority flag, a default follow-up date and time, and a default alarm for flagged emails.
The follow up date can be a number of days, weeks, or months after you flag the email, and the alarm can be set to go off an amount of time before or after the follow up date or time.
When you flag an email, you can change any of these settings for the individual email.
To change these settings, follow these steps:
- If necessary, open your mail.
- Click File > Preferences, and then click Mail.
- Click Follow Up.
- Select a default priority, default follow up date or time, or set an alarm to go off before or after the follow up date or time.
- Optional: Select options to play a sound with the alarm or get an email with a reminder.