~Kirk Frofoobur commented on Apr 5, 2013

Re: X-Pages Hide When Based on User Role

It seems there is a cache issue with context.getUser().getRoles().

Tim solution seems better when you need to change on the fly user roles : database.queryAccessRoles(session.getEffectiveUserName()).contains('[RoleName]');

~Tanita Bubazenikle commented on Jan 13, 2012

Re: X-Pages Hide When Based on User Role


~Zelda Opfreechekoni commented on Jul 6, 2011

Re: X-Pages Hide When Based on User Role

Hello. I need something like this for my application. I have an application for Notes Client, and on launch an Xpage is opened, which contains links to different framesets... So on every link i want different users to go to different framesets. For example if user is member of "worker" i need him to go to "this" frameset, if it's not, than go to "that" frameset. Can you please tell me how to do it?

Tnx a lot, i would very much appreciate it :)

~Holly Brefreemannivu commented on Apr 8, 2010

X-Pages Hide When Based on User Role

Thanks! I just used it today!