Welcome to IBM® Collaboration QuickStart for Social Business on the SoftLayer - your instant access to three leading products in social software - Connections, Domino®, and Sametime®. |
1. Robert E. Kraut, Paul Resnick. Building successful online communities: Evidencebased social design. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, In press. 2. Jenny Preece. Online communities: Designing usability, supporting sociability. Chichester, UK: John Wiley Sons, 2000. 3. Hubert SaintOnge, Deb Wallace. ... |
What follows is a list of social motivators, action items and design alternatives, based on social sciences research, that can help community designers as they start new online communities. The claims are organized by the challenges a community designer faces when starting a new community. This ... |
What follows is a list of social motivators, action items and design alternatives related to newcomers in online communities based on social sciences research. The claims are organized by the type of newcomer problem they are aimed to address. This information is drawn from Bob Kraut and Paul ... |
What follows is a list of social motivators, action items and design alternatives related to building member commitment in online communities, based on social sciences research. The claims are organized by type of design alternative that might activate each commitment builder. This information is ... |
What follows is a list of social motivators, action items and design alternatives for online communities based on social sciences research. They are organized by the type of design alternative that might activate each motivator. These are drawn from Bob Kraut and Paul Resnick's book: Kraut, R. E. ... |
Starting a new online community
Encouraging contribution to online communities
Building commitment to online communities
Dealing with newcomers in online communities
Reading list for community leaders |
These slides are designed to help you plan and launch a community. This is part 2 in a series of enablement articles for community managers. |
These slides are designed to help you grow and sustain communities. This is part 3 in a series of enablement articles for community managers. |
These slides are designed to help you monitor the health of your community. This is part 4 in a series of enablement articles for community managers. |
These slides are designed to help you understand common elements of a community, best practices, and the value of setting up and interacting with online communites. This is part 1 in a series of enablement articles for community managers. |
This video shows a brief tour into some of the cool features provided in the free and native Connections app for your iPad. |
This video showcases how to use Lotus Connections to work smarter. |
Watch this Experience Lotus collection of videos to help you see which Lotus product is best for your team, your project, and your goal. |
This video shows the main features of Connections Communities, updated to a V3.0.1 release level. |
The Tapping into the community video showcases how to use Lotus Connections to work smarter. |