Watch this Connections video to learn how to use Profiles to find people with a certain expertise, share information about your own skills and interests, or build a network of contacts.
Duration: 3:20 | Contains audio
This video introduces you to Profiles in IBM® Connections 4.0.
To watch the video, click the play button. To read a text version of this video, scroll to the Welcome section on this page.
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Table 1: Welcome
Step | Audio | Onscreen action |
1.1 | Use Profiles to find people with a certain expertise, share information about your own skills and interests, or build a network of contacts. | The welcome screen displays.
© Copyright IBM® Corporation 2012
Table 2: Searching for people
Step | Audio | Onscreen action |
2.1 | When you are looking for someone in your organization, the Directory page is a great place to start. | Click Profiles Directory to display the Directory page. |
2.2 | The Do You Know widget suggests people to connect with based on things that you have in common. | Highlight the Do You Know widget and the the photos and names of suggested profiles. |
2.3 | Using organization tags on the Directory page lets you list people based on one or more keyword tag names. | Display the Directory page and highlight the Organization Tags widget. Click the marketing tag name. A list of the people who are tagged with the keyword marketing displays. |
2.4 | Use the Display name search when you want to perform a quick search based on someone’s name. | Put the cursor in the Display Name field and type ted. All users whose given name starts with these characters displays. Select Ted Amadou from the list. |
2.5 | Application-specific search tools are available in the navigation bar, for example you can search for people using the Profiles by Name option. | Move the cursor to the top bar search field and click the down arrow to display the menu options. Select Profiles by Name. Type den, select Dennis Michaels in the search result and click the search icon. |
2.6 | Click a person’s name or picture from any view to display their business card and profile information page. | Click Ted Amadou 's name to open his profile page; highlight the business card. |
Table 3: Using a person’s profile page
Step | Audio | Onscreen action |
3.1 | The person’s business card provides essential contact information such as phone number and email address. | Show Ted Amado's profile page already open. Ted's job title, phone number, and email address display under his name. |
3.2 | You can find more information about a person using either the Contacts or the Background view, such as additional phone numbers and personal or work-related skills and interests. | Click the Contacts tab and highlight its page content.
Click the Background tab and highlight its page content.
3.3 | In the Recent Updates view, you can post a message to the person and also view their posts, posts from others, and recent actions. | Click the Recent Actions tab and scroll through its page content. |
3.4 | You can see what you have in common with this person, for example shared communities, activities, or files. | Highlight the Things in Common display area and its content. |
3.5 | You can also see the names of people that you and the profile owner have in common. | Highlight the Who Connects Us? display area and its content. |
3.6 | You can reach out to a person using the profile page tabs. For example, you can invite Ted into your network and follow his updates. When Ted accepts your invitation you’ll be able to easily share information and see his updates. | Pass the cursor over the following tabs:
- Send E-mail
- Invite to My Network
- Download vCard
- Follow
Click Invite to My Network. Use the default message. Leave the Tags field blank, keep the Also Follow option enabled, and click Send Invitation.
Highlight the Pending Invitation marker.
Table 4: Updating your profile and managing your network invitations
Step | Audio | Onscreen action |
4.1 | Keep your own profile current to better help people find and know about you. | Click My Profile and display your profile page. |
4.2 | Edit your profile to add or update information about yourself. For example, you might add your mobile number in the Contact Information page. | Click Edit My Profile. Click the Contact Information tab and enter 1-888-123-4567 in the Mobile number field. |
4.3 | On the About Me tab, you can add information about yourself, including background information, to describe your interests, skills, and expertise. When you save this information, it will display in your Recent Updates and Background views. | Click the About Me tab. In the About Me field type My non-business interests are gardening and tennis.
Display the existing content of the My Background area as you scroll to click Save and Close. |
4.4 | Update your status message to let others know what you are doing. Your message appears as a recent update to you and as a status update to your followers. | With the Recent Updates tab selected click in the What are you working on now field?, type Working on the presentation! and click Post. |
4.5 | Network invitations appear on the Home page and on your My Network page. You can either Accept or Ignore an invitation or open the inviter’s profile page to learn more about them and accept the invitation there. | Click Profiles My Network.
Click Invitations. Highlight Accept or Ignore. Highlight the inviter’s name then click Accept.
4.6 | Learn more about people in your network using the My Network views.
| Highlight the My Network Contacts, Invitations, Following and Followers view options. |
Table 5: Conclusion
Step | Audio | Onscreen action |
5.1 | So get started today using Profiles to connect with your colleagues. | Display the closing screen. |
5.2 | For more information about using Profiles, click Help in the product. | © Copyright IBM Corporation 2012. |
(See attached file: ProfilesVideoC4.mp4)