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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for  6.5.5 FP2 6.5.5 FP2
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
GRCE6ADT4RDuring a mail file move, the AdminP failed with the errors: "Error: Unable to obtain mail archive settings for mailfile" and "Error: Signer does not...
YYUN6TNDYZRenewed signing certificate for .cab files.
Hide details for Applet componentApplet component
NBRR6DETXCStarting on May 19, 2006, Web users may see a message stating that the certificate has expired when Domino applets are loaded by the JVM or JRE in a...
Hide details for ArchiveArchive
LMAN6AAPWFFixed a panic during open archive settings when there was a policy with no criteria.
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
GLAS6M3NSMPrior to this fix, a repeat meeting chairperson did not receive an approval notice after the room/resource owner approved or denied a reservation...
YFEG6FMW3YFix for the ServerTranSchRetrieve() busytime transaction to properly handle cases where a failure could result in a server crash when an invalid...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
JMAN6GUN9UThis fix prevents a server slowdown if flushing does not succeed.
JCHN6MX5WWThis fix prevents situations where the logger could not flush transactions to a database because the database reference in DbDirMan had been nulled...
EPOD6J9SVKAdminP move user corrupted a mailfile when moving from Windows to AIX. A problem was uncovered where cross platform copied databases resulted in the...
RBRE6J6LCWFixed a deadlock between nif and fixup.
JCHN5YXJ8QFixed LkMgr crashes. There were some problems in the usage of the database locking mechanism that resulted in many code paths not properly handling...
DDAN6D7RD3Server crashed PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle (FFFFFFFF) due to bad RTRUNIDTableIdx count. This problem has been fixed in 7.0.2, 6.5.6 and...
LVAE69UHAZFixed a Semaphore deadlock involving SEM_RM_TRAN "Recovery Manager:Transaction list synchronization semaphore" and a database...
JCHN6K4TV6Fixed a crash when running updall on a corrupt note.
HZHG6DV367Fixed a server crash because of a Windows Access Violation.
MSAN6LFF3GFixed a potential server crash when the Notes.ini variable NSF_DOCCACHE_THREAD is set.
VOHL6F6QZ3This fix prevents a potential server crash with "PANIC: OSAddressInVARRAY: VARRAY element index is too large".
MSAN6FTFQNFixed a memory leak for BLK_OPENED_NOTE.
WWHN6MJKH5This fix prevents a server crash due to some database corruptions.
Hide details for DIIOP ServerDIIOP Server
CTOI68RDMHFixed an occasional crash in DIIOP under heavy loads when there is an off by one condition during recycling events. This means that the actual...
FTMN6A5KHCFixed an intermittent crash in the DIIOP task which could occur if CItem object is invalid. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
TJOR6GVSUWFixed a crash in the LDAP server when performing a Domino UNID search against the condensed directory catalog (CDC).


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