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CPRE6E9MSYWhen a Directory Assistance LDAP document's "Type of search filter to use" is set to Active Directory, sAMAccountName values may now also be used for...
MMCL6F7RSDFixed the Domino LDAP server so that case insensitive matching is used when evaluating a filter that specifies the mail address...
TJOR6GVSUWFixed a crash in the LDAP server when performing a Domino UNID search against the condensed directory catalog (CDC).
LMAA65VQT9Fixed a problem where the LDAP server incorrectly recognized LDAP modifyDN's new Superior attribute. This regression was introduced in...
LMAA6CHQ6FFixed a problem where Name Lookup was not correctly handling No Access.
KLIN6LRTHJIn an LDAP search operation if the target object cannot be found and the search base can be located in the directory but does not match the search...
LORN6FKK9QFixed an issue where group names were not properly componentized during filter qualification. This problem occurred with LDAP searches whose filters...
NORK6MPL99Fixed an issue where LDAP did not allow anonymous queries if "anonymous" was in the "Not Access Server" field on the server document. This...
JBUD6GAJCUFixed a memory overwrite when using the -d switch with dircat.exe.
PFOI6GEG36Fixed an issue where internet passwords containing non-ASCII characters would not get hashed correctly when being modified via LDAP.
KHAN6Q5SKNFixed Directory Assistance-related memory leaks resulting in 'LDAP BPool Full' errors, particularly related to the "ldap_search returned DN is NOT...
WRAY6P3KXUFixed an LDAP server performance problem on one-level scooped searches. It can take many seconds or even a couple minutes to qualify searches which...
TSAO6K3HYGAn unexpected backslash was inserted in the LDAP search result if the Distinguished Name had a DBCS character whose second byte was 5C. For example,...
TCAL6N5SXFMail recipients in admin Org in an xSP environment received errors "User not listed in Domino Directory" for their inbound SMTP mail messages. This...
SMDN6QATDEFixed an LDAP server performance problem on one-level scope searches. It can take many seconds or even a couple minutes to qualify searches which...
MPAL6QYQX7Fixed a crash in Domino LDAP server which will only happen on out of memory situations. This crash occurred in...
ADSA6RMDH7Prior to this fix, duplicate person documents appeared in the Extended Directory Catalog even though it was configured to not allow duplicates. EDC...
IDEA6GUTY2Fixed an LDAP search problem where accent sensitivity caused intermittently incomplete result sets.
MERS6QRPSXThe server was hitting an area of the code (debug) which was not appropriately disabled. The fix is to remove this section of debug...
PPET6NQMESUnder certain circumstances, LDAP searches which rely on the FT Index may cause the Domino LDAP server to crash. This regression was introduced in...
KEMG6UFL2AFixed a potential Denial of Service attack. See technote #1257248 for more details.
DTEI6FHBW2Fixed server crash in ReturnNameInfoEpilog.
KLIN6V3RXNThe Notes 6.5.4 C API Toolkit mistakenly did not export ber_free. Thus the few ISV applications that directly called ber_free did not work. This...
KTOT6DUPF6Fixed a problem where the client or server could crash when doing a name look-up to a mobile directory catalog.
VSEN6QXL8QCumulative fixes to reduce the number of updates to the NAB.
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