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Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
Exclamation Point IconMJBG7VHPFBFixed a Domino/Notes crash on CD to MIME conversion of a calendar entry with a large number of RepeatDates. Opening a response from the invitee...
NRBY83NPBCThis fix saves the domain of an iCalendar chair whose Notes address is resolved by the recipient's mail server, if that domain was different than the...
Hide details for ClientClient
KKNT85CP7JFixed an uncaught exception when logging into Sametime, which caused a "Phonegrid registration" error.
TPAE7YDJ9GA new preferences flag has been provided to allow built in telephony ui additions to be removed from the sametime client. This feature is enabled by...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
IISA7ZV6L8Prior to this fix, another calendar could not be opened when Server_Availability_Threshold=100 was set. This regression was introduced in...
CSAO82TBJHPrior to this fix, calling @Command([ToolsRunMacro]) or @Command([RunAgent]) would result in the error "Entry Not Found In Index". This regression...
DPOL7XRGK8Fixed a problem when using [ToolsRunMacro] @command from a navigator in order to launch an agent. The @command failed with the error "Entry not...
ADET7X8QCRFixed a problem with earlier versions of Notes where an Alarm would end up taking focus from what the user was doing inside Notes. This was...
RHOT85FQTSFixed a problem where a callee was unable to be added into a call after dragging one person to a N-Way video call.
MAKA7XVGVCThis fix reduces server transactions when creating or deleting folders in a mailfile.
BRIS5PBPGWPrior to this fix, a non reproducable crash was observed with a stack pointing to access violation in 'CLineStore::Compare'.
VPME7XGJBPFixed a crash when MyWork was setup as the home page. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1 FP2.
TMDS84VUHTPrior to this fix, the Notes client terminated abnormally. Data from the crash logs suggest the Notes client was re-logining into sametime which...
FJFJ7ZPCFZFocus changes from the chat dialog when the alarm goes off. After this fix, the alarm will no longer take focus on the Mac. Related to spr...
Hide details for Composite ApplicationsComposite Applications
MCKD84REZTFixed a problem where Dynamic variable substitution would not work on properly on a component application.
BHUY7ZTHKJThe Notes client would potentially hang when restarting with a restored mail application open. This was caused by the CAI framework attempting to...
Hide details for ContactsContacts
YGAO7QQHPDModified Recent Contacts to compare first FullName field on server note with Recent Contact note. After deleting the Recent contact note, there is a...
JSSI8754DCFixed a problem where a comma was not added when type-ahead resolved an internet address. After typing an internet address and pressing "enter", the...
ADEE84QBUQThe Phrase name of an internet address of type "Phrase Name" <internet address> was parsed to extract first/last name information. Fixed an...
TONN862PWAPrior to this fix, a comma was not added with type ahead when a local contact had multiple addresses.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
MKHS83ZLSKThis fix addresses a problem where moving a document to a different folder in an IMAP enabled database could corrupt that document.
MVEO7P7K6YPanic VARRAY element index is too large. Caused by an update to the database. The code that finds the bucket containing the varray is using the...
BYAU7WELLKFixed a potential memory leak on BLK_NIF_POOL which happens over the course of about 2 weeks. Restarting the server weekly will prevent the block...
SWAS85BJXXSlow response at high number of reader threads to a single database. 2 API's (NSFDbGetNoteInfoByUNID and NSFDBGetMultNoteInfoByUNID) are at times...


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