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Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
DCON86ARPQRemoved duplicated code when copy / paste a todo.
YHUO888CGKPrior to this fix, rescheduling a room was keeping the reschedule and original booking. Fixed the template to process the...
TTAN89PG8TUnable to send a single meeting invitation to a Domino room from Exchange due to incorrect iCalendar processing of the room. This has been fixed in...
JFBM85TTZYWith this fix, the size of the attendee fields on a iCalendar invite will be limited so the maximum size of summary items will not be exceeded. ...
TBAY88TRDFWhen selecting a 60 minute time slot that contained a calendar entry that
spans a shorter duration than the slot, e.g. 5-5:30 p.m. in a 5-6 p.m....
BRN896G2HWhen countering a meeting, we now present a new option to "Leave a placeholder for original meeting on calendar". When selected, this meeting will...
NRBY86FR3VAfter an invitee received an update to a meeting, there is no indication that the update was processed before pressing the "Update Calendar" action. ...
MSTR84GHHVPrior to this fix, timezone information was displayed on a declined room notice when there is no timezone difference.
FPAI8A6T2XImproved performance of Online Meeting dialog box, by eliminating unnecessary look-ups
IFAY8AEEP6Fixed a problem where the Update Task was returning errors when run manually or scheduled.
KSOA8CUTZJWhen changing weeks in the Calendar timeslot view in the Notes Client, the calendar timeslot view may reset to display 12AM rather than starting at...
MKRT89WS58Fixed a problem in Notes Client Calender where, during a calendar refresh, if the current time slot was not available in the Notes, focus was placed...
PANN84PF2DFixed a problem in the Notes Client mail template where Calendar outline design elements for One Day, Two Days, etc were not able to be...
SSHE7NXVB9The comments dialog that comes when sending with comments displayes unwanted white space is now modified and no unwanted extra white space shows up...
HSAO8CZMTKFixed an ical Domino crash. This crash can impact a Domino server or a client but has been more prevalent on Domino servers.
SIWA7BR6XVUsing the scheduler control to open another user's mail database will add a database icon to your workspace. With this change, if you set...
JKEY8D9M2NIf a third party calendar application causes a meeting participant to send out notices as if they were the meeting organizer, we will block the...
ABUI84HME6When countering a meeting and using the Check Schedules action, the focus will now be placed on the correct time slot and it will show in the user's...
KAHY8CRN9GEdit Reservation button will appear in the web interface of the Rooms and Resources database.
IFAY8AZCAZFor some customers, a corruption in calendar entry data has been observed such that the calendar entry(s) have a CalendarDateTime item on the...
DCON8BC3KFWhen a copy into was done on a meeting by an invitee who was added to the meeting after the initial inviation the names list would be...
TBAY89JTYWChanges to the Access & Delegation settings on a local mail file by the owner with editor access can result in the changes not being propogated to...
THIO8C4HAGWhen the chair adds himself to a meeting, the invitee fields could become out of sync once his name is automatically removed
THIO6Z4DGTAlternate name support added to the Calendar view of the R&R DB
KSOR856AT7Display the correct meeting date and time during a print preview of a new meeting invite which has not been saved. Also, subject is refreshed...
DPOL8BYJGNPut in protective code to protect against cases where the template does not correctly initialize the event descriptor which can lead to a...
EZEL8BAQDGA bug in the mail85 template is preventing users from booking multiple resources from different resource categories. Changes have been made to the...
NBRR87SUEWServer in different timezone processing blocker docs as reservations
TSHI8DGCHYOn Japanese client, 'Day' label missing from subject of group To Do.


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