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Hide details for  8.5.3 FP3 8.5.3 FP3
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
JCOL8PGT54 Fixes Domino Server crash on AdminpRenameInCalendarEntries call while processing an Adminp request.
DBRK7F5H9N Fixes issue where users are locked out of their local archive after the user's common name is renamed.
DVDI8GGCFCFixes issue where Admin Client fails to show databases within directory links when the fix for for SPR# CTOI7TGHMY is applied and...
CSCT8SFG3CFixes a situation where the error: "Someone else modified this document at the same time" is displayed during user registration. This is a...
JFRA8TQHSFFixes the error: "Problem with signature on policy document or one of the policy setting documents it specifies: Document is not signed seen in the...
RSSA8Q9QQNThis fix introduces a new Notes.ini that can be pushed out via policy to ensure replication and syncing of contacts from local address book to mail...
TKAA8SM3ZEFixes issue where Adminp rename/delete requests fail when user name contains certain special characters (including Japanese...
SVAA8LHGNTFixes issue where the mail file quota setting resets intermittently on a secondary server only.
Hide details for AgentsAgents
SNIS76KL55Fixes a small memory leak when running a Java agent
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
KRAU8NAJQNFixes a problem with the MSI installer where a new version of the Activex was not being installed properly over the previous...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
SDOY8S6M75Addressed problems with iNotes delegation actions not executing in deployment configurations using Tivoli Access Manager.
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
SBUH8VMPTPWhen a message contains an embedded iCalendar content that content is extracted when the message is opened. In some cases (noteably when the message...
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
MALE7JYNERThis fix reduces replication conflicts in the Resource and Reservations (R&R) database related to busytime purging. Prior to this fix, busytime...
TLAM8SURETFixes issue where adding multiple Notes user names to a single federated calendar would cause Notes to crash
ADET8TXGLBFixes issue where when using the Istanbul time zone, the correct time is not shown in the calendar view
DJOE8W4R3BLotus Notes Sametime freetime is not displayed for an meetign invitee if the invitee is dragged and dropped from the Sametime budy list to the...
Hide details for Chat (SameTime)Chat (SameTime)
CJMS8WM55NFixes problem where user opening delegated mail file, that had Sametime enabled, would receive errors on IE, if sidebar was opened. This is a...
Hide details for chat(Sametime)chat(Sametime)
ESPR8SJJUQ Fixes issue where delegated users are unable to create new Calendar or Group ToDo entries.
Hide details for Cleint UICleint UI
DWHD8XGN5ZFixes issue there the activities quickfind does not show any results if the activitiy name contains certain special characters.
SNES8WZPEZFixes error message 'CN=Firstname Lastname/O=orgname" received when trying to ppen a mail file using the Other Mail>>Open Other Mail option and the...


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