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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 12.0.2 FP512.0.2 FP5
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
MSKAD3SR6TProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesAdministrationProcess.MoveUserInHierarchyRequest was not correctly returning the note ID of...
Hide details for AdminPAdminP
MOBND5CSYTServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where a user's inbox was getting rebuilt daily by the Notes client causing long delays for large...
Hide details for AgentsAgents
UTOOCZZ6VQClient - 64 bit - Agents - Fixed a crash when using the 64 bit Notes standard client to execute an agent by agent.run() method. This regression was...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
SSARBLWARWClient - Attachments - Fixed a crash that could occure when opening a .eml file
Hide details for Cache ModeCache Mode
ASIAD4DECPClient - General - Fixed an issue where the file \HCL\Notes\framework\rcp\rcplauncher.exe did not have a digital signature.
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
LHUGCYVB7BClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue with meetings sent to external Outlook or Google where the In-line image in the meeting description was not able...
Hide details for Content ScanContent Scan
DANOD46JLUServer - ICAP - Fixed an issue where messages were getting stuck in mail.box due to a mismatch in the virus signature version.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
MOBND3TFNKServer - Database - Fixed a hang that could occur in NIFOpenNote due to a very long loop causing high CPU and hanging a server...
MOBND7HJBNClient - Embedded Views - Fixed an issue with embedded views where they could display incorrect output under high server load under certain...
PSHED6MGLEServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, response documents were missing in views using the RestrictToCategory option...
DFLSCZMT9GServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur due to lock table full on IMAP enabled database. Panic was from OSBBlockAddr from...
HYZGD665PBServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur from keySearch function with error "PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle" or error "Lock...
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
MOBND2DM7ZServer - Entitlement Aggregator - Fixed an issue where the entitlement document was not getting updated with the new server/database name of the...
ASHAD2VEVNClient - Addressing - Fixed an issue in the 'Select Addresses" dialog where an error about "No entries found matching the search conditions" would...
MOBND3KU38Server - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where entitlement tracking was adding a FOUND entry if it was a flat name and not found in the...
MOBND5XJUNServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where DirSync was syncing disabled users as well as computer accounts.
MOBND72PNAServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue with DirSync where invalid arguments error was causing an exception and either skipping sync objects or...
MOBND5XJZWServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Tracker was creating entitlements for disabled users and computer...
Hide details for Domain IndexingDomain Indexing
MACAD459XZServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where accessing certain views via URL was not showing the correct documents. This regression was introduced in...


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