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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
RGAU9YQGE8Using the Calendar REST API, different results are returned for All Day Event calendar entries with respect to the end date of the event, depending...
LROE9WPRWXREST and Lotusscript API callers looking up available time slots for a user or users can get some results that are off by an hour in some some cases....
DCON9GYK5Y Fixed the issue that a calendar entry is not displayed if the start date time of the entry is out of the date range of the calendar view after the...
Hide details for ClientClient
ADEE9UCDQ2Fixes issue that could result in duplicate INI parameters for cases where the notes ini exceeds 64 bytes
HHIE9RTARJAvoids a Notes Client crash opening a document with a graphic image containing invalid dimensions. This defensive fix will avoid the...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
RMAS9GATPKThe maximum NSF Pool size is hard coded by default. This fix introduces a new INI parameter to set the maximum size of the NSF Pool at runtime. Add...
MQRO9W9C6NWith this fix, an error is now displayed when stopping a dedicated view without a dbname
MQRO9W9BNLWith this fix, an error is displayed when enabling a view with blank name as dedicated view.
CSCT9CRFF3Fixes DBMT failing when running via program document
HPXG9T58BKFixes issue where a user can't open an archive db with template version that is 9.0.1 or later
PSIH9Z9EDJFix is added to resolved the following issues :
1. "Create Replica" issues for delegated users with Calendar only delegation access on SCN.
SVEM9W7RAYFixes repair task invoking backup API, locking the database for several minutes which causes QoS Kill
MQRO9WVA57Fixes issue where NBP hangs when creating a db on server with a server template
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
DSAS9HBTVQUnder certain conditions, the Dircat task treats a rare but routine error "Directory cataloger was unable to obtain any scheduling information" as...
Hide details for EditorEditor
CSMH9QHKNFFixes issue where the incorrect font is used after installing additional True Type fonts in Notes 9. The fix requires the new notes.ini variable...
XXZZ9JN999Fixes a cross platform crash opening emails with certain objects in them. This issue was more common on Notes Client Mac 10.9.
DHUS9LGJ23Fixes an intermittent NULL pointer crash on the Notes Client when opening a Mime message with a zero length image.
MLEY8R4ED7Updated image referenced in signature html does not display. See technote 1657558 for more information.
JACE9ZQ8DQFixes issue where office name space tag <o:p></o:p> hides text from iNotes when copy/pasted with editor
Hide details for Files IntegrationFiles Integration
MSCE9VVRDLFixes iNotes files integration being unable to authenticate with Connections Files
Hide details for HotfixHotfix
RMASA33L8C Fixes Client hotfix binaries: EXEs and DLLs not being signed. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4.
Hide details for iCaliCal
GKLAA33MCDCounter proposal from Outlook is associated with the incorrect repeat instance during iCal conversion


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