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UMAKC9QFFQClient - Editor - Fixed an issue where error "Field is too large (32K) ..." is shown on Client (and "Item value exceeds maximum allowable size" is...
XYGUCRYBLLClient - Editor - Fixed an issue in the Traditional Chines Notes client where all characters would be changed to a small font (DengXian) after copy...
HYZGCS56C5Client - Editor - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur after copy/paste of Traditional Chinese characters. This regression was introduced in...
SKUECAJDDBiNotes - Editor - Fixed an issue where some emails from external sources were not properly displaying inline images.
SKUECARKBXiNotes - Editor - Fixed an issue where some emails from external sources were not properly displaying buttons
ASIACT9DB3Client - Editor - 64 bit - Fixed a crash that would occur in the 64 bit Notes client when applying paragraph styles.
SANECDUJ7HClient - Editor - Fixed a problem with embedded Word documents and multiple screens when using Windows scaling. This regression was introduced in...
TKAACRNDWGClient - Editor - Fixed an issue where a pasted in screen shot obtained with the "Shift + Windows + S" key was larger than the actual display size. ...
Hide details for EditorsEditors
JJARCM4KATClient - CKEditor - Fixed an issue where modifying the Column width of a CKeditor Table would result in a browser consoler error "Cannot read...
Hide details for Events/StatsEvents/Stats
STAACQ6ALMServer - Events - Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM) - Fixed an issue where DDM status may not be closed when statistics collection is performed on...
Hide details for Forms/Subforms/PagesForms/Subforms/Pages
PALTCVUN2JClient - Editor - Provided a notes.ini (off by default) to speed up changing an open document to edit mode. set IgnoreDocupdateRabs=1 in notes.ini...
Hide details for Full TextFull Text
JBUDCPWPVRServer - Full text indexing - Added a debug notes.ini variable, DEBUG_FTV_INDEX=8192, to give a one line summary for every FT index. This summary...
EPORCPYHCLClient - Full Text Search - Fixed an issue where the full text search index was not being created after hitting an error trying to access an...
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
PSHECTHA2RServer - Domino Access Services (DAS) - Fixed an issue in DAS where there was a limitation of 8-11 configured services dependent on server name...
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HYZGCUTAKZServer - iCal - Fixed an issue where attachments in iCalendar messages would lose attachments when sent to an external domain user.
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
ASHHA5WFA5 Server - IMAP - Fixed an issue with IMAP when the server notes.ini EnableIMAPFolderSynch=1 is configured. Previously, when an Outlook IMAP client...
Hide details for JavaJava
AKURCU983SClient - Java - 64 bit - Fixed an issue with the 64 bit Windows Notes Client where the UpdateSite database (Eclipse update site) would get a failure...
Hide details for Java appletsJava applets
NFROCNLRY6Client - Java Applets - 64 bit - Fixed an issue in the 64 bit Notes Client where java applets were not working, resulting in a warning "You need to...
Hide details for Java Backend ClassesJava Backend Classes
PSHECT3K5UServer - Java Backend Classes - Fixed a crash that could occur on Domino server running Leap/Volt with PANIC: Invalid pool free chain from...


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