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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for 14.0 FP114.0 FP1
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
JJARD2TLPTAdmin - Rename - Fixed a rename issue for Turkish users with an Org and Org unit. This fix is off by default and requires the use of a new...
NNAID227RZAdmin - AdminCentral - Fixed an issue where a user who registered from AdminCentral was not being assigned an explicit policy because the explicit...
Hide details for AdminPAdminP
KKHOD2PDBPServer - Adminp - Calendar - Fixed an issue where, after renaming a user id, old entries in the calendar with that user id as the chair were not...
Hide details for APIAPI
WDCABHFPYMProgrammability - Rest API - Fixed a problem where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
TJJNCX8LSRProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where running a DQL Query with a "not" modifier would result in an exception in some cases.
Hide details for Backup & RestoreBackup & Restore
DDCRCYGC6WServer - Database Backup - Fixed an issue with datbase backup where the Windows server backup was triggering domino VSS writer even when domino data...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
VWAHCYEGGRClient - Calendar - Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new meeting and selecting an external user from the address book
MNIAC6LDGDiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where deleting the original document of a rescheduled meeting did not delete the reschedule...
NNAICQL488iNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where iNotes group calendar failed to show the schedule detail information if the ACL was set using the alternate...
GMAA8EUHGHClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue that could occur when opening a calendar counter notice where the error "Field: 'tmpUseLongDate': Incorrect data...
FPAICCBHUUiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where iNotes failed to send a reschedule notice for encrypted meeting if the delegated user was an internet mail...
KSAUCYJHN4iNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the body contents became unavailable when an iCal meeting invitation was forwarded.
FPAIC3SQ5NiNotes - Fixed an issue where the notice to accept a counter proposal was not sent to some attendees for an encrypted repeating...
ASAECZXGV2iNotes - Fixed an issue where cancelled repeating meeting instances were still being displayed in the information of the repeating...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
SJOIC23H3HClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where update notices were not sent to the invitee if they were added to an already created recurring/repeating...
MMNDCAYMEMClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the Notes Client gave the error "An error occurred while saving: Note item not found" when trying to accept...
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
SMOYCSBLN3Client - Calendar - Addressed an issue with DOMI integration with Zoom where the use of the proxy with NTLM authentication was not working. Enable...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
TSAOCCSF8PClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS would not read out the letter when user moved the caret with the right or left keys. This...
ADEECSQJ8MClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with JAWS 2021 where not all characters of the subject field in a mail message were being...
ADEECW4M9JClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with JAWS 2021 where using left or right keyboard button didn't read character by character. To enable this...


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