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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
GRHEB8YG4KFixed a problem where compact -c -ZU and -ZD failed when attempting to recompress DAOS objects.
HPRHBA2FVPFixed a problem where the Domino server would crash with error Insufficient memory - NSF folder pool is full.
HYZGB6KA5SFixed a Domino Server crash in Router when deleting the existing database due to a concurrency issue between database delete and database...
SOKEB8YJARFixed an error where database open failed incorrectly complaining that a consistency check was required.
SWASB9ZQ7PFixed a problem where a database created with .ns10 extension had the default ods instead of ods 53.
SWASAEXPSCFixed an error when running compact -replica where idtable full issue was not fixed due to stub/ghost notes not being correctly...
Hide details for Database NavigatorDatabase Navigator
ASHEB9ZF6YDesigner does not restore working sets after restart. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10
Hide details for Database Transaction Logging/RecoveryDatabase Transaction Logging/Recovery
JDFUB6S5MHFixed a Domino server hang condition due to a semaphore deadlock.
JPAIBBYRUGFixed an issue where database is marked corrupt when going through restart recovery prior to any transaction logs applied. This regression was...
Hide details for DECSDECS
DCKTBAXKVGFixed problem preventing a DECS Connection from being created for OLE databases.
Hide details for DQLDQL
JCUSB9MKXFDQL - Fixed a problem with DomQuery.exe where the thousand's separator wasn't being handled correctly if locale had period for the separator char. ...
Hide details for EditorEditor
KKOOB23DGDiNotes - Fixed a problem on IE where an extra line spacing will no longer appear when hitting the Enter key within the signature.
NNAIB7DA27iNotes - Fixed issue in Internet Explorer 11: If the default editor for mail is plain text, insert signature from More menu inserts more blank lines...
Hide details for FirefoxFirefox
RCFEBALJSBiNotes - Fix problem that hitting 'p' (lowercase 'p') on keyboard doesn't work as expected on Firefox 66.
Hide details for HAPIHAPI
PALTB4XPVVFixed a problem where the Java Document class convertToMime method returned an error on calendar events that had incomplete CD...
Hide details for HTTPHTTP
JCORB3WJSWHTTP Server - fixed a hang that occurred when server was doing many FTSearches and FTUpdates on multiple worker threads.
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
MKENB5KHX4Fixed a problem where the LotusScript back end code was not aware of new SAML configurations for the web server.
MSAHB8778LHTTP Server: Fixed a problem where multiple lines of some rich text paragraphs were not correctly hidden even if "Hide Paragraph" is enabled. This...
Hide details for ID VaultID Vault
DKENAJTT67IDVault - Changed default to allow unlimited ID file downloads from ID Vault when SAML authentication to the Vault is used.


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