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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for DECSDECS
DCKTBAXKVGFixed problem preventing a DECS Connection from being created for OLE databases.
Hide details for DQLDQL
JCUSB9MKXFDQL - Fixed a problem with DomQuery.exe where the thousand's separator wasn't being handled correctly if locale had period for the separator char. ...
Hide details for EditorEditor
KKOOB23DGDiNotes - Fixed a problem on IE where an extra line spacing will no longer appear when hitting the Enter key within the signature.
NNAIB7DA27iNotes - Fixed issue in Internet Explorer 11: If the default editor for mail is plain text, insert signature from More menu inserts more blank lines...
Hide details for FirefoxFirefox
RCFEBALJSBiNotes - Fix problem that hitting 'p' (lowercase 'p') on keyboard doesn't work as expected on Firefox 66.
Hide details for HAPIHAPI
PALTB4XPVVFixed a problem where the Java Document class convertToMime method returned an error on calendar events that had incomplete CD...
Hide details for HTTPHTTP
JCORB3WJSWHTTP Server - fixed a hang that occurred when server was doing many FTSearches and FTUpdates on multiple worker threads.
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
MKENB5KHX4Fixed a problem where the LotusScript back end code was not aware of new SAML configurations for the web server.
MSAHB8778LHTTP Server: Fixed a problem where multiple lines of some rich text paragraphs were not correctly hidden even if "Hide Paragraph" is enabled. This...
Hide details for ID VaultID Vault
DKENAJTT67IDVault - Changed default to allow unlimited ID file downloads from ID Vault when SAML authentication to the Vault is used.
RPAIBALM9BIDVault - Increase new Vault trust certificates to be good for 25 years instead of 10 years.
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
JDTFAPE9XNFixed a problem where a "bad" IMAPsearch can hang a thread. The fix leverages a timeout on search via the notes.ini variables...
Hide details for IMAP ServerIMAP Server
MHAN95ALMNProvide a new notes.ini IMAPCopyMessageLimit=n to limit the number of messages that can be copied in one IMAP command. This is to prevent a...
MCAL9XDQGNServer - IMAP - Improved IMAP performance.
Hide details for LDAP ServerLDAP Server
KKRYB88KGAFixed a crash where LDAP would crash with ERROR - LockMemHandle() Handle 0xC0180478 is not allocated.
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
ANIABA72QRLotusScript - Enables NotesDateFormat notes.ini parameter to change date format. Use NotesDateFormat=2 for setting YMD format.
DCONB8F6JVLotusScript - Fixed a problem where LotusScript NotesJsonArray was returning an error when process non ascii characters.
DCONB8VMAVLotusScript - Fixed a problem where NotesJSONNavigator was unable to parse json content that was greater than 64K


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