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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
DANOBKXVE5When cluster symmetry is enabled and a person and all replicas of the person's mail file are deleted using the Administration client, Domino could...
Hide details for Administration ClientAdministration Client
MSKABMDTDLThe Manage Views tool in the Administration client was showing an incorrect total for the sum of the view indexes when that total exceeded 2 GBs. ...
Hide details for AdminpAdminp
NVENBN2UVSAdminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin...
Hide details for APIAPI
WDCABHFPYMProgrammability - Rest API - Fixed an issue where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSBJL4H6DQL - Fixed an issue where partial timedate terms coupled with other terms were producing incorrect results
JCUSBJLRT9DQL - Fixed an issue in DQL where queries with complex boolean expressions were not correctly placing ORed terms under the proper boolean...
JCUSBKPQRKDQL - Fixed an issue where DQL Queries were incorrectly comparing field values to 0-length strings (text1 > ''), resulting in intermittently...
JCUSBLJR4ZDQL - Fixed a problem where DQL textual terms with leading single quotes (like '''''Quoted value ') were not functioning properly, finding an...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
KMOABJRBEViNotes - Disabled double-click to open attachments directly in iNotes ActiveX control if option to show extended confirmation for UK Cyber Essensials...
KMOABJR7K5iNotes - Added option to show additional confirmation to open attachments or link to comply with UK Cyber Essensials security practices (Phone...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
SAPLBMTMALClient - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the ICS file did not launch with Notes on Catalina.
DMDDBJ54XZiNotes - Fixed an issue where needless notice will not be sent to invitee on adding recipients
FPAIBMBKXTiNotes - Fixed an issue in iNotes where the chair cannot remove the subject or location from a meeting.
Hide details for CD to MIME ConversionCD to MIME Conversion
PJONB9B7R9This change fixes a race condition that could occur when creating uniquely named temporary files.
KHORB6ZRCYPrior to this fix some CD->MIME conversions would fail because the LMBCS string length for some HTML entities was not calculated properly, resulting...
Hide details for ClientClient
RSSNBJJL9AFixed an issue on Macosx Catalina which slows down the Notes performance.
KKOOBL9CGUiNotes - Resolved an issue that generating needless P tag on hitting enter on IE
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
RKRYBMTPUANotes - Mac Catalina - Fixed an issue where the client would hang when using the calendar timezone drop down control with two finger...
ECRABGLQPKFixed a problem in the Notes basic client where some toolbar icons were showing the bidirectional version of the icon (right to left). The following...
AYAVBLPEHPMac - Catalina - fixed several intermittent crashes when running Notes on Catalina - exiting User Configuration dialog, opening Embedded ST \Day at...


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