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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Database NavigatorDatabase Navigator
ASHEB9ZF6YDesigner does not restore working sets after restart. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10
Hide details for Database Transaction Logging/RecoveryDatabase Transaction Logging/Recovery
JDFUB6S5MHFixed a Domino server hang condition due to a semaphore deadlock.
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
SAZR9REQ9R Fixed an intermittent crash on Domino server making outbound LDAP search requests. This is most likely due to an edge case network error...
RSTNA92D6EDomino LDAP search doesn't return results for specific complex search filters such as those beginning with (&(&.
MOBNBGKV9PFixed a problem where particular NAMELookup calls would return an error ERR_NAMELOOKUP_TOO_BIG and cause a long held lock. Workaround was to set...
MOBNBEFTNBFixed a problem with LDAP where Photos were not getting returned in LDAP search results.
MOBNBHUJR7Server - Directory - Multi valued attributes from Active Directory are now supported with dirsync
Hide details for Domain IndexingDomain Indexing
GFALBFRJAPFixed a problem with setting the TIKA_JVM_OPTIONS_OVERRIDE ini variable where the first -D parameter gets concatenated to the built in argument. ...
Hide details for DQLDQL
JCUSB9MKXFDQL - Fixed a problem with DomQuery.exe where the thousand's separator wasn't being handled correctly if locale had period for the separator char. ...
JCUSB9JL8BDQL - Fixed a problem where DQL did not recognize a query that contained DBCS characters.
Hide details for EditorEditor
MMNDB7JV7NFixed a Notes client crash when the user opens a document in an application and clicks the Next button for the next document.
JALAAQZLBLiNotes - Fix problem that line break is lost in the body text when mailto link is clicked on the recieved message.
SSIRB75N2SNotes Client: Fixed a problem where the default font set by end user was not being retained.
KKOOB23DGDiNotes - Fixed a problem on IE where an extra line spacing will no longer appear when hitting the Enter key within the signature.
NNAIB7DA27iNotes - Fixed issue in Internet Explorer 11: If the default editor for mail is plain text, insert signature from More menu inserts more blank lines...
SLODAN59R7iNotes - Fixed a problem that hyper links in mail body did not work because if the URL had spaces they were truncated. This regression was...
RMAAB7ZLQXFixed a problem in the Notes client with rich text editor where Hebrew text could not be selected within a table using the keyboard shortcuts. This...
JVEKAR6GWTFix an issue with the Notes Client where Drag and Drop of an attachment from Notes to Chrome or Firefox browser would result in a 0 length...
AYAVBGUN9QFixed a problem in Notes client on Mac 10.15 Catalina where the Create\Save Attachment dialog does not open. Also fixed issue where Ctrl+O to browse...
KKOOBDZA9QiNotes - Fixed a problem where entering extra new lines in the signature area of a new mail would result in extra lines being added
TSAOBDCHSCiNotes - Fixed a problem with iNotes where IE11 would sometimes hang when editing in the body field
YYLI7VYAXXFixed a problem in the Notes client where opening some emails would show the message "Notes has detected and repaired one or more corrupted...
AYAVBC6K2KDrag&Drop outside the Notes does not give warning. Also hang in Basic client with Drag&Drop. Fixed by adding a check to find whether drag is inside...
PALTAWTJMXDesigner - Composite Application Editor - Fixed an issue where attempting to use the Comp App Editor to either edit an existing comp app like the...


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