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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for ToolbarsToolbars
ECRAB8USGYClient - Toolbars - Fixed an issue where customized toolbar settings were reset to default setting when restarting Notes. This regression was...
Hide details for UIUI
RTAJBD2DKBClient - Fixed an issue with blurred text displaying on Windows 10 when gdiscaling is enabled for notes2.exe and dpiaware is false. This regression...
AQNNC4RJMADesigner - Fixed an issue where '\' character in product strings was not being read in correctly. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Update/UpdallUpdate/Updall
SSARBW4PAW Server - Views - Fixed an issue where view indexes were being discarded after being left open for greater than 45 days.
STAAC3E3DKServer - Full Text Index - Domino server update tasks will no longer be limited to a single inline indexer thread. Each instance of the update task...
Hide details for VerseVerse
KMOAC4396LiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the iNotes calendar form in Verse was not handling a high availability environment which could have multiple...
Hide details for ViewsViews
CPONANRCDEClient - Views - Fixed an issue where using Copy as Table with greater than 255 rows then pasting as text into Excel would result in lines being...
Hide details for Web ServerWeb Server
ASHEC3YF7AServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue with Hungarian month names getting change to the current month when Domino form is submitted from the...
Hide details for XPagesXPages
MNIAB5PFLCDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue where the delete key was not working in XPages script editor. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1...
Hide details for 11.0.1 FP311.0.1 FP3
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
NBALBS8C6VAdmin - Fixed an issue where UTF8 characters were not supported when registering users via a text file. This will allow user names with...
CSAHBW5QR7Server - Administration - Fixed an issue where trying to register a Notes user that was already in the Domino directory via AD Sync was giving an...
CSAHBVHQ8BAdministration - Active Directory - Fixed an issue where dialog was being displayed for "Use the current Active Directory contact person record.."...
Hide details for Alternate Name SupportAlternate Name Support
CSAOBXV3F4iNotes - Fixed an issue where delegation didn't work correctly for an iNotes user using an alternate name. Adminp would fail with an error about "The...
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSBULQKBProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where parentheses in a value string would result in the error Query is not understandable. Workaround is to...
JCUSBUVQB5Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where @ALL was returning an error on empty databases.
JCUSBUVSF6Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where trying to do a CONTAINS query when the database did not have a FT index was not returning an...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
JJMSBUD4ZLiNotes - Fixed an issue where when iNotes uploaded and sent a file with a long non-ASCII filename, it truncated the resultant very long content...
Show details for CalendarCalendar


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