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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for PrintingPrinting
KWAECEQ3BHiNotes - Fixed an issue where the Print dialog box for Contacts view print showed overlapped captions and buttons in some iNotes UI...
Hide details for ReplicationReplication
NVJICD9FCNServer - Replication - Fixed a performance issue with cluster replication in mail files between two cluster servers.
NVJICEY6RJServer - Replication - Fixed an issue where cluster currency stats were not taking into account normal replication. This change is off by default. ...
Hide details for Rich Text EditorRich Text Editor
HGARC4VD5SiNotes - Fixed an issue where text color would unexpectedly change when pressing the Enter key in message body in iNotes with IE11.
TSAOCDPD8TiNotes - Fixed a problem where the color palettes for text color and text background color in rich text editor were shown as blank.
KWAECBQ44NiNotes - Fixed an issue where the color cells of the color picker for iNotes classic form were truncated.
KWAECDW3MNiNotes - Fixed an issue where the table properties dialog box for iNotes classic form showed truncated border line and incorrect background color on...
Hide details for SecuritySecurity
RPAIBUZKGVServer - Security - Remove the need for Notes.ini DISABLE_SAML_FLAG=1 to get SECidfGet API to work for a download request for a user that is enabled...
SMOYC8W8AFServer - Security - Fixed an issue with IdP configuration where TrustedSite URL in the ipdcat was adding an additional "https://" to the trusted...
EPORCCJNGQMultiple Open Source vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL library affect HCL Domino and Notes (Domino KB0106874, Notes KB0106803)
Hide details for ServerServer
VGAECCXDT7HCL Domino is susceptible to multiple Dojo vulnerabilities. See KB0109950.
Hide details for SNMPSNMP
SMOYCDXACHServer - SNMP - Fixed an issue where if the SNMP Service was started with an Administrator account other than the local system account it would fail...
Hide details for Spell CheckSpell Check
KWAECBR7DZiNotes - Fixed an issue where button was truncated on Spell Check dialog box for iNotes classic form on Chrome and Edge in some iNotes UI...
Hide details for StartupStartup
AYAVCGNCEMMac - Startup - Fixed an issue on MacOS Ventura where Notes would crash during startup when displaying the password prompt.
Hide details for To DoTo Do
KWAECBQ9KQiNotes - Fixed an issue where the captions of the radio buttons on the Changing Repeating Entry dialog box displayed by group ToDo operation were...
KWAECBQ9Z5iNotes - Fixed an issue where the date picker on the Reschedule dialog of group ToDo was truncated in some language settings.
KWAECBQB6FiNotes - Fixed an issue where unexpected scroll bars would appear on the deletion confirmation dialog box for the group ToDo assignment...
KWAECD345YiNotes - Fixed an issue where the title of the Repeating Entries dialog box from group ToDo were folded in some language settings.
KWAECD34LYiNotes - Fixed an issue where unexpected scroll bars appeared on the reschedule dialog box of group ToDo in Arabic or Hebrew language...
KWAECEQ8JHiNotes - Fixed an issue where an unexpected vertical scroll bar was appearing on the propose new time dialog box for group ToDo when date picker was...
KWAECER8W4iNotes - Fixed an issue where the title of the Repeating Entries dialog box for group ToDo was folded in some iNotes UI languages.


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