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Hide details for JVMJVM
MAVAC8EL8ZServer - Java Agents - Fixed an issue where running a java agent that utilizes icu4j.jar will result in the java agent throwing an error of "Invalid...
ASHECJ9GYKServer - JVM - icu4j.jar - Fixed an issue where icu4j.jar file was failing trying to parse JVM version if JVM version was a build number greater than...
Hide details for LaunchLaunch
HNAKCLP57FDesigner/Admin - Fixed an issue where Designer and Admin client cannot be started due to error "Notes is still running but not responding". ...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
MOBNCACU9QProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed a potential hang that could occur when using LotusScript method ANVNGetCount.
Hide details for MailMail
KSAUCD7PJHiNotes - Mail - Fixed an issue where an error message "A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail." appeared or an...
SKUECGBEX4Client - Mail - Fixed an issue where emails sent to Outlook recipients that contain numbered lists with blank lines results in misnumbering of the...
RBIP6C4LUZClient - Fixed an issue where trying to open Mail.box from Admin or Notes client failed when Notes.ini Mail_Enable_Mailbox_Compatibility=1 was...
Hide details for MIMEMIME
TSAOCHU3NHServer - Mail - MIME - Fixed an issue with incorrect handling of encoded phrases that were followed by an empty address field, <>. This regression...
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCKXLG7 iNotes - Archive - Fixed an issue where there was no way to show the archive menu if hte archive policy to prohibit private archive was...
Hide details for PreferencesPreferences
KSAUCH5LKGiNotes - Calendar - Delegation - Fixed an issue where trying to add a user with name containing "Anonymous" would result in failure of the delegation...
Hide details for SearchSearch
AYAVCG39J2Client - Search - Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when searching for a string that is contained within a large file.
Hide details for SecuritySecurity
RPAICHJHK2Server - Fixed an issue where the notes.ini SETUP_FIRST_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_WIDTH should be limited to 4096 for certifiers, 2048 for users and...
EPORCJBLXCServer - Security - Updated the cacert.pem file that ships with Notes/Domino and is used by libcurl. The prior version was missing some recently...
VGAECKXFNYA Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerability in XStream affects HCL Domino (CVE-2022-40151) (KB0106542) & HCL Notes (CVE-2022-40151)...
EPORCLVHVXFix an issue where HCL Domino is susceptible to a vulnerability in libcurl (CVE-2022-32221) (Domino KB0106665, Notes KB0106799)
EPORCNTPX8Multiple Open Source vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL library affect HCL Domino and Notes (Domino KB0106874, Notes KB0106803)
Hide details for ServiceabilityServiceability
SAPLCG3ENQClient - nsd - Fixed an issue with nsd not working on Mac OS platforms Monterey and above
Hide details for UIUI
JPKRCJJ2Y6Client - Mac Monterey 12.6 - Fixed an issue where some bitmaps were not being displayed and some were putting up error dialog when trying to be...
AYAVCL7CM4Client - UI - Basic Client - Fixed an issue where some child windows were not receiving paint message because they were wrongly marked invisible...


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