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SAHNBZLDVQClient - Document Links - Fixed a problem on Mac Big Sur where Notes client would freeze until hit Escape when trying to use left click or double...
Hide details for Domain IndexingDomain Indexing
SJAIBVNM34Server - Domain Search - Fixed an issue where Domain Search wasn't finding files whose names or file type matched the text being searched for for...
Hide details for DQLDQL
RBIPBZ8N9ZProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL was failing to find views to process against on AIX
Hide details for Drag and DropDrag and Drop
SAHNBRCDSUClient - Performance - Fixed an issue where dragging/dropping a Notes mail onto a folder in a Windows file share would result in a large temp file...
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PDARBYJHW5Client - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where some horizontal and vertical scrolls bars were displaying as all black.
CDUTBYWLPJClient - Address book - Fixed a crash that could occur with certain photos set in person records.
ADEEC5YHVHClient - Drag and Drop - Fixed an issue with the Notes Client where Drag and Drop of an attachment from Notes to Chrome or Firefox browser would...
PPUEBYYHVSClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed a crash that would occur Mac Big Sur version 11.2x in Apple CoreGraphics method ...
PKAIC4V3JNiNotes - Fixed a problem where the upper part and the bottom part of the highlighted rectangle of the selected characters were not correctly cleared...
Hide details for EditorsEditors
ATHNBMCCWPDesigner - Fixed a crash when expanding Reference - LotusScript Language - All section in the LotusScript editor help panel. This regression was...
Hide details for Events/StatsEvents/Stats
SVEABXQAZDServer - Stats - Fixed an issue where lines in domino_stats file were being truncated.
Hide details for Formula/@FunctionsFormula/@Functions
ASHEBN8B8ZProgrammability - Mac - Fixed @Platform([Specific]) to return correct OS-Version on Mac OS
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
JBUDBRAKAKServer - Full Text Indexing - Linux - Fixed an issue with full text indexing on linux where Tika's Domino parent process ended but Tika (java) stayed...
NNAIBZV2VRServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where full text indexed database would sometimes stop indexing new documents. Symptom was an error in...
Hide details for Full TextFull Text
MOBNB5GQPGServer/Client - Full Text Search - Fixed an issue where empty directories were being created during full text search - directories had cxf-tmp-...
RRENBBRJN4Server/Client - Full Text Index - Fixed an issue with Full Text Auto Index feature where there was sometimes be a noticeable delay when searching due...
JCUSBW6SSAServer/Client - Full Text Search - Fixed a leak in full text search.
JBUDBNFH6RServer - Full Text indexing - Fixed an issue where the ability to search for names of attached files that were indexed without using the conversion...
MOBNC24NX9Server - Full Text Search - Fixed an issue where some documents were not sorted by date in search results after upgrading Domino from 9.0.1FPx to...
JBUDC57T3NServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where bmp files were not being ignored during full text attachment filtering.


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