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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


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AYAVCG39J2Client - Search - Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when searching for a string that is contained within a large file.
Hide details for SecuritySecurity
RPAICHJHK2Server - Fixed an issue where the notes.ini SETUP_FIRST_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_WIDTH should be limited to 4096 for certifiers, 2048 for users and...
EPORCJBLXCServer - Security - Updated the cacert.pem file that ships with Notes/Domino and is used by libcurl. The prior version was missing some recently...
VGAECKXFNYA Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerability in XStream affects HCL Domino (CVE-2022-40151) (KB0106542) & HCL Notes (CVE-2022-40151)...
EPORCLVHVXFix an issue where HCL Domino is susceptible to a vulnerability in libcurl (CVE-2022-32221) (Domino KB0106665, Notes KB0106799)
EPORCNTPX8Multiple Open Source vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL library affect HCL Domino and Notes (Domino KB0106874, Notes KB0106803)
Hide details for ServiceabilityServiceability
SAPLCG3ENQClient - nsd - Fixed an issue with nsd not working on Mac OS platforms Monterey and above
Hide details for UIUI
JPKRCJJ2Y6Client - Mac Monterey 12.6 - Fixed an issue where some bitmaps were not being displayed and some were putting up error dialog when trying to be...
AYAVCL7CM4Client - UI - Basic Client - Fixed an issue where some child windows were not receiving paint message because they were wrongly marked invisible...
Hide details for UltraLightUltraLight
HGARCL7AS4iNotes - Ultra-light - Fixed an issue in Ultra-light mode where selecting an address from type ahead list results in invalid mail...
Hide details for Web ServiceWeb Service
MAVAC4WT6WServer - Web Services - Fixed an issue where Web Service would throw an error after upgrade from Domino 9.0.1 to Domino 11.0.1 or above when...
Hide details for XPages or CustomControlsXPages or CustomControls
VGAECGGKNFHCL Domino is susceptible to multiple Dojo vulnerabilities. See KB0109950.
Hide details for 11.0.1 FP611.0.1 FP6
Hide details for AccessibilityAccessibility
APHECBY8M6Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS was not announcing rich text for address fields
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WDCABHFPYMProgrammability - Rest API - Fixed an issue where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSCBYQ4PProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where complex boolean queries with double-nested ANDed terms were returning incorrect results. This...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
JPAIC5CHNJClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where $CSTrack item was growing too large.
KWAECBGAYNiNotes - Fixed a problem where the "Edit my calendar" dialog box showed overlapped element and buttons in some language settings on Chrome or...
KWAECBH7L8iNotes - Fixed an issue where buttons and elements were overlapped on Rooms dialog box and Resources dialog box on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge in some...


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