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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


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JADGCZKJTWClient - UI - Fixed an issue with using the OS theme where selected tab was displaying as black and there was no X button to close the...
Hide details for UIMUIM
BONNCYGKWHClient - Sametime - Fixed an issue with Sametime chats where if a user logs out of Sametime while in a group chat, then logs back in, they will not...
Hide details for XPagesXPages
PALTCXSMW4Designer - XPages - Fixed an issue where opening or creating an XPage in the 64 bit Domino Designer will result in a hang. This regression was...
IFBTCZ5DBMProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where the XPages theme would sometimes change to RTL rendering of all XPages in reverse (LTR). An...
HYZGCWX64SProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where when a long running agent can lead to XPages URL not responding in the same database
ASHECSQB7DProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where an XPages application that had many viewPanels that used a category filter with a double key...
XYGUCYVB3ZDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue where Date picker didn't work in XPages with OneUI theme
Hide details for XPages or CustomControlsXPages or CustomControls
ASHECPGNABProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages application wasn't showing message/rfc822 attachments
PSHECSAHNMProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages CKEditor was not loading when the browser language was "English (GB)" (en-gb). For a...
ASHECZCFUJProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where <xe:restService> was throwing error 500. This regression was introduced in 14.0 and...
JJARCZTE5QDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where some of the contents in XPages default messages.properties files were missing resulting in...
PALTCZLRLZDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue where Jars being used with XPages were not finding classes in the JavaUsersClasses. This regression was...
JJARCZHFGTProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages MIME attachments were not showing in XPages apps when Content-Disposition was inline. It is...
PSHECZMEPEProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where the Bootstrap Carousel control does not work in Bootstrap 4 (does work in Bootstrap...
JJARD5ZEPRProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, when an email that was signed has an attached file, user is unable to download the...
JJARD6YH33Designer - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages banner's application links and utility links were not aligned with banner's product logo in Bootstrap...
JALAD7PNLSProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue in XPages related to handling of embedded images in documents where the method...
Hide details for 14.0 FP214.0 FP2
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
MSKAD3SR6TProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesAdministrationProcess.MoveUserInHierarchyRequest was not correctly returning the note ID of...
DNADD3QMHLServer - Administration - AdminCentral - Fixed an issue where password reset was not taking into account any custom password policy
Hide details for AgentsAgents
UTOOCZZ6VQClient - 64 bit - Agents - Fixed a crash when using the 64 bit Notes standard client to execute an agent by agent.run() method. This regression was...
Hide details for APIAPI
WDCABHFPYMProgrammability - Rest API - Fixed a problem where the Rest API was showing the incorrect version information.
Show details for Backup & RestoreBackup & Restore


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