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Hide details for SMTPSMTP
BRISCS5P2JServer - SMTP - Fixed an issue where the SMTP.Sessions.Outbound.Active.SSL was not being decremented. Workaround was to restart task smtp to clear...
JTHSD7V8YRServer - SMTP - Fixed an issue with the inbound SMTP implicit Bcc feature when enabled in the configuration document MIME -> Advanced -> Advanced...
Hide details for Source ControlSource Control
JJARCZKHT8Designer - Source Control - Fixed an issue where Designer was not removing design elements from the On-Disk project (ODP) when the elements were...
PALTD5YMR9Designer - Source Control - Fixed an issue where switching from YAML-based source control to DXL-based source control and making subsequent...
Hide details for TemplateTemplate
ADEE9MJG96Templates - pernames.ntf - Fixed an issue where an error message "Invalid Universal Id" was displayed when creating new database from pernames.ntf,...
LHUGCZQ9KYTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where some Traditional Chinese characters are smaller than others in Subject area in Reply mail...
AJASBHAE5HTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where opening other mail gave an error "Type mismatch in method CoerStrToNum: STRING found, DOUBLE...
Hide details for TemplatesTemplates
MPAA6HHGYKTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where "Reply to All" showed the recipient in the "cc:" field when the user had a different Notes address due...
NNAICZECH7Templates - AutoUpdate - Fixed an issue with AutoUpdate where deleting a Deployment Group did not refresh the Group name in Server Deployment ->...
AJMNCTLBUZTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where a WebEx meeting created using DOMI integration in the Notes calendar would appearĀ 1 hour ahead in the...
CTOECX8QAETemplates - idpcat.ntf - Removed the unsupported TFIM federation product option from idpcat.nsf - note, selecting it will break SAML
TKAACYBB65Templates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where Mail Template field in Registration Settings defaulted to mail12.ntf. This regression was introduced...
NNAICYJ26DTemplates - admincentral.ntf - Fixed an issue in AdminCentral where closing a form by pressing Esc key would result in the database...
TKAACYM8JWMail - Cleandar - Fixed an issue where an appointment document that has a start and end time set to longer than 24 hours was being turned into a...
RRMUCZRGZDTemplates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue where the "TOTP Configuration Checker Report" from the Server Configuration document was showing "The...
ASHED35FGXTemplate - pubnames.ntf - Fixed and issue where "Allow foreign directory synchronization" in Group form was not a dialog list.
ANIAD49AR7Templates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue with Desktop Policies where Client was not removing the invalid item from the Desktop Settings - Custom...
ASATD4MFTBTemplates - mail145.ntf - Calendar - Fixed an issue where removing an external participant from an existing meeting was not working using Notes...
JUYYD5Q9XGTemplates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue where printing the Security Policy Settings document would show extra checkboxes in the "How to apply this...
SKUED67F4CTemplates - resrc145.ntf - Fixed an issue with renamed rooms in the room reservation database where the rooms in the preferred rooms list and...
CSAHCQUGM8Templates - pubnames.ntf - Removed view actions for "Send Upgrade Notifications" from the pubnames.ntf template, along with the "Upgrade...
Hide details for UIUI
JADGCZKJTWClient - UI - Fixed an issue with using the OS theme where selected tab was displaying as black and there was no X button to close the...
Hide details for UIMUIM
BONNCYGKWHClient - Sametime - Fixed an issue with Sametime chats where if a user logs out of Sametime while in a group chat, then logs back in, they will not...
Show details for XPagesXPages


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