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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 14.5 (Under Development)14.5 (Under Development)
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
JJARD2TLPTAdmin - Rename - Fixed a rename issue for Turkish users with an Org and Org unit. This fix is off by default and requires the use of a new...
NNAID227RZAdmin - AdminCentral - Fixed an issue where a user who registered from AdminCentral was not being assigned an explicit policy because the explicit...
MSKAD3SR6TProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesAdministrationProcess.MoveUserInHierarchyRequest was not correctly returning the note ID of...
DNADD3QMHLServer - Administration - AdminCentral - Fixed an issue where password reset was not taking into account any custom password policy
UMAKCX5CXCClient - Admin - Fixed an issue where Registration Policy did not work as expected as the IDVault was not taken into account when the "Use CA...
Hide details for AdminPAdminP
KKHOD2PDBPServer - Adminp - Calendar - Fixed an issue where, after renaming a user id, old entries in the calendar with that user id as the chair were not...
KKHOCXZJQCServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where trying to create a replica on a Domino server in a different domain was failing. Cross domain configuration...
MOBND5CSYTServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where a user's inbox was getting rebuilt daily by the Notes client causing long delays for large...
PCHND5ZE7QServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where, when processing mail policies, adminp was logging misleading error messages regarding BusyTimeHarvestOptOut...
Hide details for AgentsAgents
UTOOCZZ6VQClient - 64 bit - Agents - Fixed a crash when using the 64 bit Notes standard client to execute an agent by agent.run() method. This regression was...
Hide details for AppDevAppDev
TJJNCX8LSRProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where running a DQL Query with a "not" modifier would result in an exception in some cases.
Hide details for Backup & RestoreBackup & Restore
DDCRCYGC6WServer - Database Backup - Fixed an issue with datbase backup where the Windows server backup was triggering domino VSS writer even when domino data...
DDCRD5XHKCServer - Backup - Fixed an issue where the current timeout value for the VSS snapshot post even was set to 60. This has been changed to 180. ...
DNADD7MSNLServer - Database - Backup - Fixed an issue where Domino Backup VSS Writer was not triggering a snapshot if Domino directory name started with a...
DDCRD7P8NYServer - Database - Backup - Fixed an issue where database could not be backed up in backupvss mode when the drive letter was in lower...
DDCRCYGDSRServer - Backup and Restore - Fixed an issue where Restore -z/-Z was not working with relative paths.
Hide details for Cache ModeCache Mode
ASIAD4DECPClient - General - Fixed an issue where the file \HCL\Notes\framework\rcp\rcplauncher.exe did not have a digital signature.
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
VWAHCYEGGRClient - Calendar - Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new meeting and selecting an external user from the address book
MNIAC6LDGDiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where deleting the original document of a rescheduled meeting did not delete the reschedule...
NNAICQL488iNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where iNotes group calendar failed to show the schedule detail information if the ACL was set using the alternate...
GMAA8EUHGHClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue that could occur when opening a calendar counter notice where the error "Field: 'tmpUseLongDate': Incorrect data...
FPAICCBHUUiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where iNotes failed to send a reschedule notice for encrypted meeting if the delegated user was an internet mail...


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