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  Template fixes

Template fixes Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


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Hide details for  8.5.1 8.5.1
MNAA7U6FN4Sender organization can be displayed in mail editing scene of DJX mail after this changes.
KNAA7NFF48In case user sets "Dispaly Primary Names" in preference and deleted the document in mail read form, next document in the view must be displayed in...
KSAA7NZ5UHFixed the problem on localized version. With this fix, no "cannot locate field" alert on memo editing form.
MNAA7HH89KThere was a false recognition when comma is included in the phraze part of mail addresses. Comma is not treated as a separator when it is double...
KKOO7U2GKDDouble byte number has been allowed for Yomigana item also on creating requests from CSV.
KKOO7QXBWXThe column width has been changed. In case 1024x768 display area, no line break for the title of each settings.
MNAA7NYE47Organization IDs which must be hidden are displayed on [Select Addresses] dialog of DJX DWA. This problem has been fixed.
YSAI7STG2XThe problem which blocks user primary name changes has been solved.
YSAI7QNFE4There was 2 confusing description about access rights for log.nsf. These descriptions have been updated.
THIO7HJ88KFix the problem on localized version. With this change, DJX Administrator refers user ID's public key specification on registration policy document....
Hide details for djxadmin.ntfdjxadmin.ntf
Hide details for 14.014.0
NNAIC3JB4JDomino - Admin - Fixed an issue with djxadmin.ntf where clicking on the 'Help' action would give an error "help/jconfr11.nsf cannot be found". This...
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NNAIC3JB4JDomino - Admin - Fixed an issue with djxadmin.ntf where clicking on the 'Help' action would give an error "help/jconfr11.nsf cannot be found". This...
Hide details for  9.0 9.0
MNAA7Q2B5CPrior to this fix, DJX Administration Tool users were not able to create a mail file with a quota that was bigger than 2047 MB when they registered...
MNAA8X99S5Prior to this fix, DJX name picker displayed the wrong organization hierarchy if an organization ID was registered as 2 characters or less by CSV...
TAIA94W83UPrior to this fix, the internet passwords of DJX users were always set when they were registered with a Registration Policy. DJX Administration Tool...
Hide details for  8.5.2 8.5.2
YSAI7XHCBGPrior to this fix, a group document in Domino Directory did not have members names when using the Domino 8.5 DJX environment. This regression was...
ASHH6VC8MRDJX still restricts the maximum length to 68 years.
This problem occurred because the DJX tool didn't validate the years of a certificate in some...
CIHA835E9QFixed the wrong definition used in a Script Library. This is fixed in the Japanese language release.
KYOE7R57T8Fixed a problem where users were able to create a group name in a post with a csv file by the djxadmin tool.
ASHH7PEFGKWith this fix, the DJX administration tool will provide an option not to create an NRF file.
YSAI82Y7V6Prior to this fix, an overflow message was displayed when reading a CSV file to register 999 users. This is fixed in the Japanese language...
ASHH838DD3Prior to this fix, the button for displaying a mail thread was missing in the DJX mail template. This regression was introduced in 8.5.1. This is...
ANIA7WZBMKPrior to this fix, when the Japanese Language Pack was installed the Sender column of the JunkMail folder is displayed double in DWA. This is fixed...


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