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ServiceNow Cases Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


CS091475914.5SGHHDAYKVCiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create or edit a calendar entry in iNotes using Chrome 131.
CS091475914.0 FP3SGHHDAYKVCiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create or edit a calendar entry in iNotes using Chrome 131.
CS091390514.5NSHEDAZCAQServer - Database - Backup - Fixed an issue where the Domino backup utility failed to backup a file with 5C Shift_JIS DBCS Japanese characters (入金予定)...
CS087725614.5SRKMDACBR3Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed a crash in function DeskPromptDialog that could occur when calling NotesUIWorkspace.Prompt
CS083600914.5MOBNDABGXXServer - Entitlement Collector - Fixed an issue with the entitlement collector where it would stop expanding groups if a group was not found in the...
CS083600914.5MOBNDABKLJServer - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where Web SSO users in the address book with no certificate nor httppassword were not getting added to...
CS083600914.0 FP3MOBNDABGXXServer - Entitlement Collector - Fixed an issue with the entitlement collector where it would stop expanding groups if a group was not found in the...
CS083600914.0 FP3MOBNDABKLJServer - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where Web SSO users in the address book with no certificate nor httppassword were not getting added to...
CS081156914.5PALTD97NZJProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesDatabase class Search method could return inconsistent results when documents in the...
CS080508414.5HNAKD9795ZTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where Print Preview from an open email in edit mode was not showing the "From" Field. This regression was...
CS080157214.5LHUGD9267NClient - IME - Fixed an issue when using the Traditional Chinese IME where pressing the space key from a view to select a document results in the...
CS079837514.5TKAAD97B2MAdmin Client - Fixed an issue in Domino Administrator where uploading certain ID files to the ID Vault resulted in an error "The Person document for...
CS079044314.5ASHED8XHXFDesigner - Restyle - Fixed an issue where Restyle was changing all column font to "Wingdings" font when a specific columns was using the "Wingdings"...
CS079044314.0 FP3ASHED8XHXFDesigner - Restyle - Fixed an issue where Restyle was changing all column font to "Wingdings" font when a specific columns was using the "Wingdings"...
CS078664414.5JUYYD8YAJZServer - Backup - Linux - Fixed a crash that was occurring on Linux servers where when a 3rd party backup tool would crash due to the fips.so file...
CS078664414.0 FP3JUYYD8YAJZServer - Backup - Linux - Fixed a crash that was occurring on Linux servers where when a 3rd party backup tool would crash due to the fips.so file...
CS078272414.0 FP3NGRTD8PAUAServer, Client - General - Fixed a crash that could occur in ConvertTextToTIMEDATEZoneExt/CvtTextToTIMEDATEExt2 functions for certain documents. ...
CS077947914.5SJOID9AEKXiNotes - Fixed an issue where attachments with .p7m extensions sent from external mail system and received by Domino SMTP are not shown in Verse and...
CS077947914.0 FP3SJOID9AEKXiNotes - Fixed an issue where attachments with .p7m extensions sent from external mail system and received by Domino SMTP are not shown in Verse and...
CS077301614.5CSIOD8LPWFServer - Directory Assistance - Fixed an issue with Directory Assistance where it was failing to load multiple directories giving an error "Trying to...
CS077031814.5PSHED8MJKTClient - Security - ID Vault - Fixed an issue where resetting the password from ID vault using a Russian 64-bit client was not reulting in the...
CS077031814.0 FP3PSHED8MJKTClient - Security - ID Vault - Fixed an issue where resetting the password from ID vault using a Russian 64-bit client was not reulting in the...
CS074736814.5HYZGD849XDTemplates - mail145.ntf - Fixed an issue where the $Abstract field was not updating when changing the meeting body information
CS074645914.5TJJND8RKVUProgrammability - Domino Query Language - Fixed an issue with DQL where the date filter was not working consistently on system using dd.MM.yyyy date...
CS074645914.0 FP3TJJND8RKVUProgrammability - Domino Query Language - Fixed an issue with DQL where the date filter was not working consistently on system using dd.MM.yyyy date...
CS074183414.5UMAKD8TJ5ZServer - Directory Services - LDAP - Fixed an issue where LDAP search was not providing the result while searching for an email address in a mail in...
CS074005214.5LHUGD7X4C4Client - Viewers - Fixed an issue where trying to view an attachment with a long DBCS filename would result in the error "Your file couldn’t be...
CS073540114.5UMAKD7RDRUServer - Backup and Restore - Fixed an issue where using Domino Backup with Veeam VSS application aware snapshot failed when trying to mount the...
CS073540114.0 FP3UMAKD7RDRUServer - Backup and Restore - Fixed an issue where using Domino Backup with Veeam VSS application aware snapshot failed when trying to mount the...
CS073339514.5XYGUD7Y7ZHServer - MIME - Fixed an issue where external email containing UTF-16BE in the email subject resulted in garbled characters. This regression was...


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