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Security fixes Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
Hide details for  8.5.2 8.5.2
DLAI85KAH6Fixed a Notes crash issue in Linux when Korean IME enabled and hit ESC key.
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Hide details for  6.0.4 6.0.4
CDOY5WSS3CAdded support for properly retrieving instant messaging related design information and data from views.
Hide details for DAOSDAOS
Hide details for  8.5.2 8.5.2
RSHA83TH8YThis fix prevents a server crash on daosmgr during a catalog rebuild.
Hide details for  8.5.1 FP5 8.5.1 FP5
RSHA83TH8YThis fix prevents a server crash on daosmgr during a catalog rebuild.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
Hide details for  8.5.3 8.5.3
SDSS867KLSFixed a Domino server crash with a Panic: NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID: bhValue of NULL.
BRIS5WWLBNPrevent "PANIC: InitializeNSF: Attempting to initialize NSF but logger already running" which can occur under certain circumstances such as server...
RCOR8DBLKJFixed a crash in DAOS caused when the catalog went out of sync due to a corrupted database; which resulted in: PANIC: DAOS State...
Hide details for  8.5.2 FP2 8.5.2 FP2
BRIS5WWLBNPrevent "PANIC: InitializeNSF: Attempting to initialize NSF but logger already running" which can occur under certain circumstances such as server...
Hide details for  8.5.2 FP1 8.5.2 FP1
SDSS867KLSFixed a Domino server crash with a Panic: NSFItemAppendByBLOCKID: bhValue of NULL.
Hide details for  8.5.2 8.5.2
Exclamation Point IconCDFO6XRLJLFixed the following error "Extendible hash index is corrupt and can't be used" that happens periodically during use such that it no longer crashes...
JPAI7XNMGFDeadlock during server initialization when an Extension Mgr hook opens a Domino database during initialization. This regression was introduced in...
SGOI7RBFG6Server crashed with the panic message " PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle (0)" accessing an unbuilt column sorting index in a view. This...
DOLA7YEK44Fixed a Domino crash on NBES with PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle.
JACE85RCJZFixed NIF Pool memory leaks that could result in a server crash.
BKYP7XEBETServer crash on various server tasks but always with the LockDbROCond stack. Added error checking for a null db handle.
MALK7YDH68Fixed a server hang when issuing the "show directory" command.
Hide details for  8.5.1 FP5 8.5.1 FP5
JACE85RCJZFixed NIF Pool memory leaks that could result in a server crash.


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