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SPR Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


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GABN6MRRZT7.0.3Fixed a potential problem which occurred when the mailfile owner was not appropriately modified after a rename as the
calendar profile, which...
GABN6WDNJL8.0.1Alarms will no longer be rounded after the Calendar Entry has been saved.
GABN75ENMJ8.5.1Editing Reservation in RRDB no longer removes information from Site Field
GABN75VPCU8.0.1Fixed a typo in the PostOpen event of the Calendar profile form, where a string variable name was incorrectly spelled.
GABN765KCW8.5.1iCal: Sending meeting invite externally does not update user's calendar
GALM62PMGS6.5.5Correctly prompts for password when using the "Change Domino Server " command (CHGDOMSRV).
GAO7YRR588.5.2Fixed an intermittent Frameset display issue when custom frameset has both pages and views.
GAPN6YE59Q8.5.1Play a sound "browse" button and "show an icon in system tray" Mail Preferences are greyed out (locked) when a desktop policy is enabled. This...
GAPN7KAN5X7.0.4,8.5.1We fixed a problem where the "Approve Selected Requests" button was not working to approve multiple requests within admin4.nsf.
GAPN7LLMFZ8.5.1Corrected an issue where users with Author access and GroupCreator role cannot rename groups via adminp. Users with Author access to the domino...
GBAR4JQNNC5.0.10Fixed a problem which caused invitations to not show up in the All Documents view of the invitee if chair elected to not show calendar entries in the...
GBAS4A2UAN5.0.5Fixed problem that caused a decline to be sent if the cancelled or expired meeting was deleted from the 'Calendar' view.
GBAS4A2UAN5.0.5Fixed problem that caused a decline to be sent if the cancelled or expired meeting was deleted from the 'Calendar' view.
GBAS4A9NDA5.0.2Even if no databases are replicated, a Replication Event document is now created in the Replication Events view.
GBN7ZLRA78.5.2In the form design editor, the F8 shortcut key (and shift F8) did not indent and outdent the text. The fix restores the correct operation of the F8...
GCAR47EPR85.0.1Ensure Alarm documents are properly deleted when the Collector task starts up.
GCAR47ML3S5.0.1Correctly log LDAP events in the Statistics & Events database.
GCAR47MQL65.0.1Prevent mail notifications from continuing to be sent to users after the upgrade of the R4 events4.nsf.
GCAR4E7STD5.0.3Fix a crash caused by switching user IDs in the Notes client while the Server Monitor was running.
GCAR4EBTT75.0.3Fixed problem that caused only the first Event notification to be sent if there were multiple notifications requested to handle one event. For...
GCAR4EYRUZ5.0.3Modifying an event document in Events4.nsf would cause the report time to be incremented in error. This problem has been resolved.
GCAR4EZQ3C5.0.3Event notification 'Actions' will no longer incorrectly prepend the platform specifier to the program name. Previously running a program 'XYZ.EXE'...
GCAR4G7MQX5.0.5Fixed a problem in STATREP5.NTF where views did not show all available fields due to a memory constraint on large servers with many statistics being...
GCAR4LZJ3H5.0.5Fixes a problem in STATREP5.NTF where views did not show all available fields due to a memory constraint on large servers with many statistics being...
GCAR55BPBB5.0.10Fixed a problem where part of the message was missing from the beginning of the event. Added the capability to filter out statistic facilities from...
GCAR5F8PTZ6.0.2Fixed a problem where the saved remote font was not reloaded properly on startup.
GCAR5JNKCG6.0.2Fixed a problem where Statrep was rebuilt at random times.
GCAR5JNPGP6.0.2When setting database quotas, decimals are stripped. This problem has been fixed in 6.0.2.

Fixed a problem where the MONITOR type name was not included in the string array, which caused the event task to crash.
GCAR64UJNE6.0.5,6.5.4Removed an unnecessary governor which would stop task statistics from being updated when the number of server tasks reached 2000.


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