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SPR Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


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DADS6BKGSQ7.0.3Fixed the error "JavaScript Error: ReferenceError: rectanglecount is not defined" which was displayed after opening a page with Instant Messaging...
DADS6EFHZU6.5.5Fixed a problem sending a mail message with Mail Recipient as an attachment. The first time the mail is sent correctly, subsequently, it will...
DADS6EXGQV6.5.6If a mail file owner had access rights except Manager/Designer, the owner was listed as a delegate on Domino Web Access preference. When the owner...
DADS6MGNY27.0.4Notes failed to hande the DIV tag with style:width attribute. This regression was introduced in 6.5.5.
DADS6T4G7X7.0.3 If the user was at the end of a list of documents in the Mail View and deleted all of the entries on the page, the list would scroll up so that the...
DADS6VCJFP7.0.3Admin Client will hang with a LookUp Handle Error when viewing Database Users and switching between servers. The client will need to be shutdown by...
DADS7CWHHC8.0.2Fixed a router crash when converting an HTML Message to Rich Text. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1.
DADS7LJM6Z8.5.1Fix Server Crash on Transactional Logging
Exclamation Point IconDADS7NCLU28.5.1,8.0.2 FP4There is a bug with Windows 64 that requires each application to try to manage the file system cache itself. If no application sets a max size to...
DADS7SLJHT8.5.3,8.5.2 FP4Fixed Domino Crash in ICU during heavily loaded mime conversion.
DADS7TQLV29.0.1 FP3,10.0Fixes Domino Server crash on nBes Crash during conversion when using the function call: ICConvertInlineFiles
DADS7VJRSQ8.5.2When registering users via the admin client and adding the new user to groups, the registration server will crash. With this fix applied to the...
DADS7X2NJU8.5.2Fixed rare memory overwrite when Domino Server is accessing document in ID Vault
DADS84CMFT8.5.2Fixed a server crash when sending an SSO certificate back to the client.
DADS89SUSE8.5.3,8.5.2 FP3Fix resolves a Router crash caused when routing an internet address in a wrong format.
DADS8E5LWZ8.5.3The server may report that the "NSF monitor pool is full". One symptom is that client mail rules will stop working. This fix increases the default...
DADS8FURQC8.5.3 FP3,9.0Fixes Domino Server crash on the cChronos task.
DADS8L8HW59.0Fixes an intermittent Domino server crash with 'Panic: Object Handle Is Invalid While Opening A Collection'.
DADS8PQNJ89.0This fix prevents certain invalid data structures in Notes rich text items from crashing the richtext to HTML converter.
DADS9FNRUD9.0.1 FP1Fixed a security issue in the Domino HTTP Server
DADS9Q3JW59.0.1 FP6Fixes Domino Server crash while converting MIME messages on HTTable::GetTableTextSize.
DAE5EWGJX6.0.3Removed the delete field call for AddressBookAccess field from AllowAccess formula. Prior to this fix, when saving edits, the Server Document Dialog...
DAGL94E3Y99.0.1Fixes issue where the Notes Client window is not brought to the forefront after clicking new mail notification icon
DAGL97NG839.0.1Starting with 9.0.1, table border width is zero when copying and pasting data from Excel to the Notes client. Prior to 901, table border width was...
DAGL9MNERZ9.0.1 FP3Fixed issue where mail with empty form name was not showing body part of mail. This is a regression in 9.0.
DAGL9X6JNU9.0.1 FP9Fixed a Notes Client crash in Asyncreceivepoll where the session goes away and the session block is freed which causes the crash
DALY8WXKWB8.5.3 FP3,9.0Fixes issue where tabbed tables created in the Notes client do not display well in Connections Mail.
DAMC7FXJH28.5.2Fixed a problem in the Notes Client where RSS feeds were not being updated when new content was added to subscribed folder in...
DAMNACHUPX9.0.1 FP8Fix a Server compact issue
DAN63JJGF6.5.5If unread replication is NOT enabled, and Do Not Mark Modified Documents as Unread is NOT
checked, then this fix will keep the note from being marked...


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