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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for LCULCU
JUYA6XAERUChanged the code to have the current locale's group selected prior to the latin group when converting U+00B1, U+00D7, U+00F7
Hide details for LEILEI
ALSR7DXG3MFixed a problem where the meta connector order was not working correctly. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
KGUT6HWKUZThis fix prevents an HTTP hang when finishing a LotusScript agent. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1.
CSMH7D2TUJFixed error "Restricted Operation
Cannot Cross Logical Boundaries Error" when using the remove method of NotesEmbeddedObjectClass. This regression...
ADC7CYQJ5Fixed an Access_Violation in the nlnotes process. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1.
YYYN7AV3ZMFixed a possible crash in Contact Preferences dialog.
Hide details for MailMail
AONL7DCK7QAfter migrating to Notes 8.0.1, IMAP client truncated the body for some messages. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
ATHS7BL6DZWhen a user keys a comma, the code is trying to lookup last token. The code has been modified so that addresses generated by reply all or copy/past...
JRAN7AJ6FKWith this fix, when checking for multiple Notes domains, any leading rfc822 parts will be skipped before making that check.
YJIO6YV6YGThis fix prevents the "Object Variable not set" message from displaying after changing the Preferences ACL setting.
MNAA7CE8PEPrior to this fix, when Contacts had duplicate email entries, the Ambiguous Name dialog was displayed. This regression was intoduced in...
ABUI7DYQWMAdded check for From item and use that item if exists when creating rule. This regression was introduced in 7.0.3.
TMDS7C3P75Fixed a problem where Sent By information was missing from the forwarded (or replied-to) note.
MGAN7AYVV3Fixed a problem where incoming mail within <...> was not blocked. This regression was introduced in 8.0.
Hide details for Mail ClientMail Client
THIO74TAZQAdded special logic for LMBCS to ISO-2022-JP.
MNAA7C2BBLThe five unicode characters, from U+2190 to U+2193 and U+222B, were not converted correctly when users enter the characters through keyboard or...
Hide details for Mail ServerMail Server
DADS7CWHHCFixed a router crash when converting an HTML Message to Rich Text. This regression was introduced in 8.0.1.
SSCT7C6Q4MSince upgrading, the recipient was added to a document's readers fields when sent using Lotusscript method. Added the Notes.ini variable...
Hide details for MIMEMIME
BMGN6XQJYBFor mime documents with multiple 'discrete' parts (e.g., two text/* parts), but no parent multipart part, this fix creates a multipart parent 'on the...
STAA7BUEZMPrior to this fix, unexpected characters were inserted in a MIME message by CD-MIME conversion. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for MIME to CD conversionMIME to CD conversion
RDJS7A24WYFixed an issue of conversion from MIME to CD failing for MIME messages with attachments during a before new mail arrives agent. This regression was...
KTIS7GFKXWFixed a problem in the MIME to CD converter for bad apple double files, changed code to gracefully handle a null pointer. This regression was...


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