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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCYRL44iNotes - Fixed an issue where restore from archive command failed on iNotes. This regression was introduced in 12.0.2 FP2.
Hide details for SearchSearch
SAPLCSQES8Client - Search - 64 bit client - Fixed an issue in the 64 bit Notes client where 'Windows Search' option was missing in preferences and also in the...
Hide details for SecuritySecurity
NVJICYHBB7Server - ID Vault - Fixed a regression when doing password reset or extract ID file from the ID Vault when a Vault server was incorrectly removed as...
Hide details for XPages or CustomControlsXPages or CustomControls
JJARCZTE5QDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where some of the contents in XPages default messages.properties files were missing resulting in...
Hide details for 12.0.2 FP312.0.2 FP3
Hide details for ActionsActions
JJARCRPKUXClient - Views - Fixed an issue where the Hide-when formula for an Embedded View Action button was not working correctly. This regression was...
Hide details for AgentsAgents
EMUZCE5CN7Designer - Agents - Fixed an issue where creating an agent with document selection would result in an "Error editing query..." error and the...
IFBTCVF9MLDesigner - Java Agents - Fixed an issue where imported Java Libraries were not being honored and instead were using same named Java code. This...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
PDARCTAAEHClient - iCal - Fixed an issue where rich text settings like bold, large font, links, tables, etc were not being retained when sending an invite over...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
NNAICS7A89Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where right double-click would not close an HTML message, then the Esc key would also not close the message....
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
ANIACLNBUEClient - Workspace - Fixed the display of the Workspace's stacked replica icon to be clearer. This regression was introduced in...
JWIECT9BKTClient - UI - Fixed an issue where if the Domino Designer is in the foreground with the Notes client open in the background, moving the mouse outside...
SBOECT8CTTClient - Workspace - Fixed an issue in the Japanese Client where only 19 characters of the database title were being displayed in the workspace. ...
ANIACN9C4MClient - Workspace - Fixed an issue where there was not enough space between the database title and the server name when Textured Workspace was...
ASIACXEJ8XClient - Editor - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur in the Client when checking system font size. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
HYZGCQZBPBClient - Views - Fixed an issue where a view column containing @Now formula is not refreshing. This regression was introduced in...
MOBNCWSKF6Server - Database - Fixed a performance issue where views were being rebuilt too often in some cases, resulting in many log messages "Informational,...
Hide details for DebuggerDebugger
JJARCR8J4XDesigner - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue with the LotusScript Debugger where lists were shown incorrectly. This regression was introduced in...
XYGUCUZFF9Designer - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue with the LotusScript debugger where variables would stop displaying their contents in the Variable...


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