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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for XPagesXPages
ASHECMZB2AProgrammablity - XPages - Fixed an issue where users are unable to delete an attachment. This regression was introduced in 12.0.2.
ASHECLUDXTProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where an error "Item Not Found Exception" would occur when using the application. This...
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Hide details for AppDevAppDev
JCUSCBYQ4PProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where complex boolean queries with double-nested ANDed terms were returning incorrect results. This...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
HHIEC9C9Y6iNotes - Added a work around fix for an issue with Safari browser where it fails to handle filename* attribute in Content-Disposition header if the...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
PCHNC7ZDY7Client - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the FYI field of a new meeting invitation showed to recipients after accepting the meeting. This regression...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
PDARC92JMHClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where certain ics files that contained entries from Notes client and which were created with a repeat with...
SJOICG3K9FServer/Client - iCal- Fixed an issue where when sending iCal meetings, any attachment within the meeting description was not being sent - just text...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
TSAOC8WJPXClient - Fixed an issue in Notes view accessibility code that could occur for categorized views where the name of categories was not being read out. ...
TSAOC8Z35GClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue in Editor code for handling of childids sent through Accessibility APIs. This regression was introduced in...
TSAOC8ZC8AClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with accessibility in editor that would occur while sending different accessibility objects from richtext...
ADEECBUCA7Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS did not read out hyperlinks in rich text fields. This regression was introduced in...
SAPLCBV853Templates - mail12.ntf - Fixed an issue where JAWS was not announcing calendar form links for Room, Resouces and Add Category. This regression was...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
SAHNC6D7L6Client - Calendar - Fixed an issue with day numbers showing incorrectly in One Week view when Dansk is set as the primary language and as the...
STAAC9W6VGClient - Advanced Properties - Fixed an issue in Advanced Properties for design-hidden databases. This regression was introduced in...
STAAC9KAYZTemplates - pernames.ntf - Fixed an issue where the address picker would not show the list of existing users in a group. This regression was...
SRPACDLCADClient - Fixed the display of the dialog list field's drop down control to increase its size. This regression was introduced in...
AYAVCFLHUVNotes - Fixed a crash that could occur when user Cancelled from the Change Password dialog. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1...
SAPLCJHNCUClient - Toolbars - Fixed an issue where the Text Edit toolbar was missing when opening another mail in a new window. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for CompactCompact
MBCYC9FJJGServer - Compact - Fixed an issue where compact -c -L would always fail and delete the full text index (if created). This regression was introduced...
Hide details for Component Pallette UIComponent Pallette UI
ASHECHUEC9Designer - Composite Application Editor - Fixed an issue with Composite Application Editor where adding a page component to the bottom of the mail...


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