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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


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HYAI8DWCMVFix resolves an issue where an Embedded View is displayed incorrectly in the Client. You must scroll to see all content. This was a Regression...
IISA82DCF4Fixes an issue where opening an attachment a 2nd time can result in a 'file in use' error instead of opening the attachment with a new, generated...
IISA82DCF4Opening an attachment the 2nd time can result in a 'file in use' error instead of opening the attachment with a new, generated filename. This...
TSHI8DJ7SMFix resolves issue where Notes may hang or open very slowly when opening views that contains long DBCS strings. Regression in...
YPHG89CDU5Fix resolves issues where Notes may hang or open very slowly when opening views that contains long DBCS strings. Regression in 8.0 fixed in 8.5.2...
YPHG89CDU5Fix resolves issues where Notes may hang or open very slowly when opening views that contains long DBCS strings. Regression in 8.0 fixed in 8.5.2...
Hide details for FailoverFailover
RPAL8GD7D8Fix increases the time interval between every Notes Client Ping to the Primary server after failover. New default is 5 mins. between pings, which was...
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MLUO8DZ5B8Addresses inability to launch Notes client when upgrading from 8.5.2 FP1 to 8.5.2 FP2. Installing FP2 directly worked but not upgrading from FP1 to...
JMIL8F6JJHFix resolves client install issues experienced when client hotfix or fixpack is installed by a different user and data directory is upgraded on...
RPAL8F3NEBFix resolves a logic issue that would suppress slideout to prompt for restart after a plugin provisioning operation. This fix now checks to see if...
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PCHE8DV359Fix resolves a Server crash when customer has an application which uses LotusScript method RunOnServer to run a Java agent. This agent scans all...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
PCHE8EDMYGFix resolve a LotusScript error which is produced when an existing document is opened using NotesUIWorkSpace.EditDocument, and a target frame is...
JCOR8CET4RFixed inability to convert a document to MIME when document is unopened using Document.convertToMIME method. Regression in 8.5.2. Fixed in 8.5.2...
OIHZ8E3LZGFix for incomplete enumeration of names during a multiple name lookup in Directory.LookupNames. After upgrading to 8.5.2FP1, the lookup only returns...
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ANIA8CF92GFix resolves an issue in iNotes, where signature was being inserted outside of the message body. Regression in 8.5.2. Fixed in...
KYOE8C69ESFix resolves a problem in iNotes where text formatting was broken when a user would reply/forward a message in plain text editor. Regression in...
THIO8BWAD7Fix resolves an issue in iNotes where a Message can't be displayed when sent from Draft with an Attachment. Regression in 8.5.2. Fixed in...
PPLV8B3EGGFix resolves an issue reported in iNotes where a frame in mail body
was not fully extended, when viewed in iNotes 8.5.2. Regression in...
CTSI8D9LUWFixed a potential Domino HTTP hang caused when using iNotes. This was a regression introduced in 8.5.2 FP1
HHIE8AWDNQFix resolves an issue reported in iNotes, where adding a signature would overwrite the body of the message. Regression in 8.5.2.
HHIE8AWDNQFix resolves an issue reported in iNotes, where adding a signature would overwrite the body of the message. Regression in 8.5.2.
JDAM7DBS9UMessage received if exceeding mail file capacity should specify mail file size limitation. Regression in 8.5.
Hide details for Mail ServerMail Server
TPON889DVKFix resolves an issue reported when mail to recipients in Multiple Foreign Domains will only be delivered to the First Recipient Domain. Regression...


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