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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for  8.5.3 FP4 8.5.3 FP4
Hide details for AgentsAgents
KRAU92PMB4Fixes a regression issue where accented characters that were entered in Designer 8.5.3 FP2 or earlier would show as 'garbage characters' in 8.5.3...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
KWAE94786S Fixes script error recieved if alarm and new mail notification are disabledin iNotes preferences. This is a regression in 8.5.3...
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
BMKH9444SNFixes issue where alarms in iNotes do no show details. This is a regression in 8.5.3 FP3.
KRAU92XQ3KFixes error: "A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail." when an alarm triggers and the iNotes user repsonds. This...
Hide details for Client InstallClient Install
JDAE928NKUHotfixes built on top of 8.5.3 Fix Pack 2 and 8.5.3 Fix Pack 3 were missing needed Designer patches. Clients would be missing fixes for designer...
Hide details for CompactCompact
BINN8PKSPXThe defaut note size for log.nsf is 1/2 a bucket resulting in a large amount of dead space. This fix changes that default to make the note size...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
JSHN8ZZ2AB Fixes Client focus issue when using an outline entry pointing at a view. This is a regression in 8.5.3 FP2.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
TSOE8MDVN7Fixes rare failure of file attachment in Notes client. This is a regression in 8.5.2
Hide details for MailMail
THIO8T2FJ6Fixes a regression issue where, after upgrading to Domino 8.5.3, the subject of a mail that contains Japanese characters is lost.
GMAA8TQEVGFixes issue where view column sorting isn't maintained in the inbox view. This is a regression in 8.5.2
Hide details for Networking & DialupNetworking & Dialup
SODY8WHC7ZPrevent Ntaskldr crash in the Notes Client due to network change operations. This is a regression in 8.5.2
Hide details for ReplicationReplication
JKEY8S6LFGFixed Notes Windows-7 64-bit client from incompletely replicating a large mail when off-site connected through Cisco VPN client.
Hide details for SecuritySecurity
ALAS8P3KXQFix problem with Password Change In Inotes With Id Vault Integration, when there is no Notes ID in the mailfile initially.
Hide details for ServerServer
JADS8XEJ7HFixes to network and nnotesmm to fix nnotesmm hang on XenApp server. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
Hide details for XPagesXPages
FSHS8X8KCVFixes issue with partial refresh of tabs on a tabbed panel. This is a regression introduced in 8.5.3
MNAA8ZE92WFixes issue with file size not being adjusted if an image inserted into and xPage, was deleted. This occurred becuase the CKEditor failed to remove...


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