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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for CalendarCalendar
ABUI838M4GFixes issue where the Day at a Glance view does not update when a delegate updates a calendar entry
Hide details for Cleint UICleint UI
SKAI8E6GFXFixes issue where the Notes client crashes when a user exports many documents to a CSV file.
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
PCHE89APJVFixed a problem where the view pane shrunk after multiple opens. This regression was introduced in 8.5.2.
JSTN8QQ26XFixed an occasional crash in dynconfig within client policy enforcement.
BHUY8MZJR8Fixes issue where the navigator pane is opening very small when the "Auto adjust panes at runtime" flag on the navigator properties is...
RREN8R4PE9 Fixed an issue where the search bar would intermittently disappear in the client.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
JPMS8NLJQQFixed a Domino Server crash on CollectSuperBlock
JSTN8N6MUZ Fixed issues where the Full-text index for a local database on the Notes Client will sometimes display the current index status...
JDEP8T8RNFFixes a hang and lock manager timeout waiting for conversion on a busy database from a SIX lock to an X lock.
Hide details for EditorEditor
MYAA8NNBFDFixed a JavaScript error when using Ctrl + A to select all contents in the rich text editor followed by hitting the Enter key
HYAI8MYFEHFixes slow response to selection for large groups of radio buttons or checkboxes.
Hide details for Hot FixHot Fix
SVRO8T9VCRFixes issue where installing a hotfix under SYSTEM user on 8.5.3FP1 does not properly provision the Notes Annotation Plugin...
Hide details for JavaJava
JSHN8N7SFT Fixes a Domino server crash when the backend classes are used to get the view title on a view note and the title field does not...
Hide details for MailMail
RRAL8M5MGSFixed an issue which occurred when sending a confirmation of an Event Announcement to a group that contains duplicate subgroups. The message would...
Hide details for Mail ServerMail Server
TPON8N7DKT Fixes issue where return receipt does not include the return receipt body when disclaimers are enabled
Hide details for MIMEMIME
TDON8QLHNSFixes SMTP hang with increased CPU consumption due to an attachment file name that is greater than 255 characters
Hide details for ReplicationReplication
RMAA8Q575EFixes an issue that caused a Server crash in nnotes.NSFNoteClose in the nreplica task. Under certain circumstances this crash could occur while...
Hide details for RSS Feed ReaderRSS Feed Reader
KRAU8P5FR3Fixes issue where feeds get duplicated after a users creates new feeds and then refreshes the subscription.


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