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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for  8.5.4 8.5.4
Hide details for MailMail
MNAA8TV5YDFixed an issue where the amgibuous name dialog box was not displaying when only the Mail domain was different
Hide details for  8.5.3 FP6 8.5.3 FP6
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
AJMO8NVM8FPrevent Directory Assistance on Domino 64-bit servers from doing unnecessary search references and referrals which were leading to "81" LDAP timeout...
Hide details for EditorEditor
MLAT99RKAGImproved javascript disablement and disabled for HTML Email messages (body field and memo form) only
Hide details for InstallInstall
PFIE8NLPPUResolved the issue of missing the java_zh_CN.properties file from the Windows 32 bit Notes Client
Hide details for MIMEMIME
TPON95XEZQFixes issue where if both disclaimer and return receipt are enabled, some MIME messages with a header of "Disposition-Notification-To" may lose their...
Hide details for ServerServer
PHEY8UDJYWFixes ACL corruption with: "ACL Corrupt in database <Database_Name>, creating new ACL with default set to no access". Now we block unintended...
RMAA94WKMGFixes intermittent Domino Server crash when closing a database. This is a regression in 8.5.2
Hide details for Web ServerWeb Server
PPET98CPBNSecurity enhancement to scrub query strings causing search to fail; work around is to add the following notes.ini: HTTP_QUERY_STRING_SCRUB=0. This...
Hide details for  8.5.3 FP5 8.5.3 FP5
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
SDOY8JPJ6RFIxed a problem where the name picker was leaking memory. This is a regression in 8.5.2.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
OIHZ8GZLJYFixes issue where V2-style attachment using Lotusscript with Japanese characters cannot be extracted. This is a regression in 8.5.1.
Hide details for EditorEditor
YYYY97H88QFixes issue where an image is pasted upside down when the user creates a new mail document, selects an image, copies it and uses "Edit - Paste...
Hide details for InstallInstall
SHEZ97GH6EInstalls missing Windows runtime library that could prevent other applications from launching such as IBM Access Manager 7.1, IBM i Access, Citrix...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
SSCT962QYJFixes Domino Server crash that occurs when Lotusscript C Api calls on 64bit platforms use types as arguments. This is a regression in 8.5.3...
TTSU94HQZJFixes issue where LotusScript: Lotus C API REGNewUser registers Alternate Name of users without conveting to LMBCS
Show details for MailMail


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