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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for  9.0 9.0
Hide details for Activity LoggingActivity Logging
DSAN7XH3LDFix for Session information not written to Misc. Events in log.nsf after upgrade from 8.5 to newer version using Log_Sessions=2
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
DVDI8GGCFCFixes issue where Admin Client fails to show databases within directory links when the fix for for SPR# CTOI7TGHMY is applied and...
CSCT8SFG3CFixes a situation where the error: "Someone else modified this document at the same time" is displayed during user registration. This is a...
RSSA8Q9QQNThis fix introduces a new Notes.ini that can be pushed out via policy to ensure replication and syncing of contacts from local address book to mail...
TKAA8SM3ZEFixes issue where Adminp rename/delete requests fail when user name contains certain special characters (including Japanese...
SDOY8JPJ6RFIxed a problem where the name picker was leaking memory. This is a regression in 8.5.2.
Hide details for AgentsAgents
VMAA8E4J36Fixed an issue that prevented designer user from creating an agent with the same name. This issue only occurred with agents with a trigger of 'Agent...
KRAU92PMB4Fixes a regression issue where accented characters that were entered in Designer 8.5.3 FP2 or earlier would show as 'garbage characters' in 8.5.3...
Hide details for APIAPI
VDES8SMFCJ Fixes crash when a C-API program makes calls to FTIndex(). This issue was introduced in 8.5.3.
Hide details for ApplicationApplication
CSMH8LGQHQFixes issue in embedded Symphony where some URLs that are on the presentation pages do not work
KRAU8XSPMAAdds performance improvement to the XPages builder. This fix significantly reduces build time for "Clean"->"rebuild all" operation.
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
TKAA8PP9B3Fixes issue where if Japanese charecters are include in the file name of an attached file and an iNotes user sends it to other users, the Japanese...
MLAT8MEKGTFixed an issue that accidently editing an attachment that had been 'opened' may result in lost work when the document is closed and the temporary...
TKIE5EJ69TFixed an issue that Background color of attachment icon was always white,
BHAL8PKQXRFixes issue where users can not attach documents to Calendar Meeting invite via iNotes with Browser Cache Management installed
TSHI8RKBPWFixes a problem with modifying the attachment list when editing a new memo created by using "Copy Into New Memo" on an existing memo containing...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
ABUI838M4GFixes issue where the Day at a Glance view does not update when a delegate updates a calendar entry
MMII8KC9MM Fixed an issue where Calendar autoprocessing was failing when using iNotes Lite mode.
KKOO8TBGRDFixed problems where quota check was not properly working in the classic meeting form. Invite was not sent even though quota was within...
KKOO8TBFK6Fixed problems where quota check was not working properly in the classic meeting form.
THIO8R3AQ9Fixed a delegation problem where the "Mark Private" setting on a Calendar invitation originiating from a Notes user was not being honored properly...
MLEY8N2KUXFixed displayed issue when opening "Other's Calendar" when accessing iNotes from a Mail-In Db. This is a regresion in 8.5.2


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