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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for  9.0.1 Fp1 9.0.1 Fp1
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
SDOY8SSNU7Fixes iNotes issue with Windows 7 or Windows 8 where Send File as Attachment doesn't work when using language choice of French. This is a regression...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
WWHN9G7RUDFixes Domino Server crash on router task converting to iCal
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
TAIA9A52V5Fixes the 2AM data purge logic to no longer always expect a handle to a cluster database so that non-clustered R&R servers can now purge old entries...
CSYL9DG26XFixes issue where iCal PUBLISH events were not being converted properly by the Domino router. This conversion issue resulted in the inablity for the...
JSCD9DFLNMThe FROM field was being updated improperly for calendar entry actions made through the C&S API in such a way that would result in the calendar entry...
Hide details for ClientClient
SODY9CPKM6 Fixes issue where Quickr Connectors "Quickr://" links received in Notes stop working. Also requires Quickr Connectors HF17
SVRO9BWUW3Fixes issue where when installing 2 Mac hotfixes in a row on release 9.0 causes a provisioning failure on the 2nd hotfix installation. This is a...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
JKAE9EYEYWFixes Notes Client crash during configuration
YLJA9GPDC7Fixes Note Client crash that occurs when the date field of a form is clicked.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
JPAI9BLR63Fixes issue where running multiple processes while fixup is running may block processes not working on the database being fixed up and may result in...
RMAS9GRS5QFixes issue where response documents get lost in the view once the number of response documents added to that view euqals the number set with the...
Hide details for DesignerDesigner
LHEY9D6DSFFixes issue where ipening a design element via shelling out to Designer.exe does not work.
Hide details for ISV APIsISV APIs
DDEY9EYLC2Fixes issue where bad attachment links are returned in the document GET response when multipart=false
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YBJH9EWB3KFixes issue where on Internet Explorer Name lookup does not work if the enter key is pressed after Chinese characters are input in the To, CC, or...
PSPS9DP9YMSending email to an internet user would result in the following Error: MIME to CD error (Process: ? (000012C6:00000031), Database:...
Hide details for Mail ServerMail Server
VPRS99XQ3LFixes a Domino Server Crash on Sgmlparser::terminateparse when Data URL support is enabled. This is a regression in 9.0.
Hide details for ServerServer
WWHN95SM48 Fixes Domino Server hang on shutdown when there is an abnormal termination of Mmc.Exe. This is a regression from 8.5.3 FP3
JPAI9D2QXQFixes issue where on Server startup, Job Schedule will log "Expanding group" message twice. This is a regression in 9.0.1.


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