| Hotfix |
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| | | RMASA33L8C | Fixes Client hotfix binaries: EXEs and DLLs not being signed. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4. | |
| Install |
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| | | CSMH9ZJS36 | Platform configuration does not define the platform feature patch correctly, causing provisioning fixes to fail. This is a regression in 9.0.1... | |
| | | SRKM9NFF7B | Attempts to install a Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack fail. The install/upgrade log shows the following error: "Installation success or error status: 1603".... | |
| | | MLAT9ZD6G5 | Fixes iNotes crash in MAXSPRINTF due to incorrect file permissions on the Dojo directory. (technote 1964549) | |
| | | MNIA9YTD8H | On a partitioned server, the fixpack installer updates CKEditor
version for the first partition only, and does not update it for the second and... | |
| | | RSOI9Y7BZW | Fixes Domino server crash minutes after startup due to missing binar file from 9.0.1 FP4. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4. | |
| | | GTONA25E6T | Fixes isue where the default registr key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command is being set to notes.exe. This is a... | |
| | | MBLTA4SEFK | Installing 9.0.1 FP5 Notes Windows Standard Client on top of another 9.0.1 FP/ or 9.0.1 FP4IF2, fails. This is a regression in 9.0.1... | |
| Install/Setup/Registration |
| |
| | | LHEY9YGLUU | Fixes CKEditor not rendering due to incorrect permission on the CKEditor folder. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4. | |
| LotusScript |
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| | | TMAI9YNHCD | Fixes issue where the return value of the len function in Lotusscript is invalid on 9.0.1 FP4. This fix was a regression caused by 9.0.1 FP4 SPR... | |
| MIME to CD conversion |
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| | | ACHG9XJB6Y | Fixes intermittent Notes Client crash in the JVM when converting CD to MIME | |
| Preferences |
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| | | MLEY9MVG34 | When using iNotes with Internet Explorer, blank lines in a user's signature are deleted. This is a regression in 9.0.1. | |
| Replication |
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| | | BSPR9VNQ2C | Fix is added to resolved the issue :
1. Resolved the authorization issue on replication page for delegated users with Calendar only delegation.
To... | |
| Router |
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| | | WWHN9LTQJ3 | Bcc field is removed by router when using internet address format in Domino 9.X This is a regression in 9.0. | |
| Sametime |
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| | | MLUO9ZDD2G | Fixes issue that prevents a SmartCloud Notes user from auto logging on to Sametime. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4. | |
| Security |
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| | | NPEI9Y85BZ | Account authentication fails in Notes Mac. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP4. | |
| Serviceability |
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| | | RSSN9XUN3A | When NSD exits, it can leave "sleep 600" processes which may prevent a restart. This fix prevents any "sleep 600" processes from being active after... | |
| To Do |
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| | | KRAU9EZLXL | Fixes issue where if a repeated Todo is marked completed, it's name gets changed to "Unnamed To Do -" | |