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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
DCON9DCLYQFixes a Lotusscript issue with RenderToRTItem not working after calling computewithform. This is a regression in 9.0.
Hide details for MailMail
THIO8RWGGPFixes an issue where when replying to mails from iNotes and "Re:" is not appended to the subject. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
SDOY98KAKRFixes issue where a user cannot move mail to a sub-folder unless that folder is manually expanded. This is a regression in 9.0.
IISA9GHC53Fixes the problem that @Domain is removed from the mail address after [Save As Draft] in iNotes
Hide details for ServerServer
GFAL9JGHGPFixes issue where when message tracking is enabled, reports.nsf no longer generates a chart for the mail usage report for the top users by size, etc...
JPAI9JHKURFixes Domino Server crash with PANIC: ASSERT(_tept->curStackEntry == _RmStackEntry+1) failed at line 1502 in file dbclose.c. This is a regression in...
MNGA9FSRGVFixes Server crash on IMAP with the error message "PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0)".
RREN9GWKVX Fixes issue where document locking doesn't work if the group name is a substring of the name of the person doing the locking. This is a regression...
CSAO9FR9ZSFixes error message: "Amgr: Console Command 'xxx.nsf' is unknown" repeatedly being logged to the Server console after amgr is...
Hide details for UIUI
SDOY99HLL8Fixes Notes Client Scrollbar/Mouse slider issues when switching between documents in categorised views
Hide details for UltraliteUltralite
EPOR9CBJ6GFixes issue when using iNotes Ultra-light mode on iOS7 where type-ahead inserts additional characters that will fail to resolve when sending the...
Hide details for xPagesxPages
ANIA9E9FADFixes issue where MIME data is exposed in the rich text control after removing
attachments and saving the document in XPages applications. This is a...
RGAU9FJPSLFixed a "Notescontext Not Initialized For The Thread" Error When Running A particular Xpages App In Domino 9.0.1 that has been added to the xpages...
RGAU9CSBWAModification to the jvm\lib\security\java.policy file will be ignored after installing Domino 8.5.3 FP6 or 9.0.1. This is a regression in 8.5.3 FP6...
Hide details for XPD Mac/Embedded BrowserXPD Mac/Embedded Browser
FLN9JF6LFFixes Mac client performance issue and crash due to the handling of MIME mail that contains special sized images or attachments. This is a regression...
Hide details for  9.0.1 Fp1 9.0.1 Fp1
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
SDOY8SSNU7Fixes iNotes issue with Windows 7 or Windows 8 where Send File as Attachment doesn't work when using language choice of French. This is a regression...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
WWHN9G7RUDFixes Domino Server crash on router task converting to iCal
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
TAIA9A52V5Fixes the 2AM data purge logic to no longer always expect a handle to a cluster database so that non-clustered R&R servers can now purge old entries...
CSYL9DG26XFixes issue where iCal PUBLISH events were not being converted properly by the Domino router. This conversion issue resulted in the inablity for the...


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