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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for 14.014.0
Hide details for ActionsActions
JJARCRPKUXClient - Views - Fixed an issue where the Hide-when formula for an Embedded View Action button was not working correctly. This regression was...
Hide details for AdminPAdminP
RRMUCMXL8UAdmin Client - Registration - Fixed an issue where registering a new user that had the same fullname but a different OU as another use was returning...
Hide details for AgentsAgents
EMUZCE5CN7Designer - Agents - Fixed an issue where creating an agent with document selection would result in an "Error editing query..." error and the...
IFBTCVF9MLDesigner - Java Agents - Fixed an issue where imported Java Libraries were not being honored and instead were using same named Java code. This...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
JADGCEZQKEClient - Attachments - Drag and Drop - Fixed an issue where drag and drop from Notes to Web applications was not working. Workaround was to download...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
NFROCM2SSJClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue with Notes Client where calendar print and print preview has grey section on the left side. This regression was...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
PDARCH8EA2Client - Calendar & Scheduling - Fixed an issue where opening an accepted rescheduled notice was resulting in the dialog "This meeting has been...
PDARCTAAEHClient - iCal - Fixed an issue where rich text settings like bold, large font, links, tables, etc were not being retained when sending an invite over...
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
PDARCJ28GAiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where attachments were being lost when sending a calendar invite from iNotes or Verse to non-Domino users. ...
SIBNAAVCTEiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where a private calendar entry would appear as busy in the freetime/busytime information even though it was marked...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
NNAICS7A89Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where right double-click would not close an HTML message, then the Esc key would also not close the message....
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
SKUECLEGABClient - Client UI - Fixed an issue where trying to import an image into a rich text lite field (like the one in the Preferences for Mail Signature)...
ASHACFU276Client - Workspace - Fixed an issue where the unread count indicator on Workspace database icon was not updating when doing "Refresh Unread Count" or...
ASHECECD76 Client - Views - Fixed an issue with views where computed action labels would sometimes disappear from view if the view remained open in the...
DNADCLLU8BClient - UI - Fixed an issue where desktop icons would not be shown and client would become unusable due to a memory leak. This regression was...
SANECMGJE8Client - Mail - Fixed an issue in the Notes 64 bit client where MIME emails cannot be scrolled using the up and down arrows. This regression was...
KKOOC4RCP6Programmability - @Functions - Fixed an issue with @NameLookup where if the second parameter was "" when looking up "ShortName" that the short name...
ANIACLNBUEClient - Workspace - Fixed the display of the Workspace's stacked replica icon to be clearer. This regression was introduced in...
SAPLCSH9JMClient - Preferences - Fixed an issue where the 64 bit client was not showing the TCPIP time out option in preferences. This regression was...
JWIECT9BKTClient - UI - Fixed an issue where if the Domino Designer is in the foreground with the Notes client open in the background, moving the mouse outside...


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