| 9.0.1 FP7 |
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| | | FPAIA7EMUZ | Applying a policy to a user can result in the Owner item in the user's calendarprofile being set to the server name that is running the adminp... | |
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| | | SSSS9BE4H3 | Fixed issue where unread marks were not displayed when categories were collapsed. | |
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| | | MLEYAB4PTJ | Fix problem where user could not add a widget to the My Widgets panel using IE 11. | |
| | | SDOYA6MG9X | Fixed an iNotes error message when trying to open My Widgets sidebar panel in IE11. | |
| Editor |
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| | | QQZZA5H9V2 | Fixed a client performance issue when opening an email with attachments. New notes.ini: MIME_EncodedAttachmentReadSkip=1 in notes.ini. This... | |
| Files Integration |
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| | | MSCEA7HRRD | Fix the issue when using the Standards mode Forms9s.nsf, the 'Save to My Files' feature fails. This regression was introduced in... | |
| Local archive (DOLS) |
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| | | THIOABJ9KQ | In standards mode which is available from iNotes 9.0.1 FP5, Domino local archive is not enabled. This issue is fixed in 9.0.1 FP7 in which standards... | |
| Mail |
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| | | BRIS8SKM8T | Fix an issue where links are not active in iNotes | |
| | | THIOA56QXD | Fix an issue where the phrase part will remain after closing the namepicker. | |
| | | THIOA3K9P6 | Fix a problem that the header area of the mail message doesn't appear as expected on IE if CC field contains many recipients. | |
| | | GTONAABGV7 | Fixed a Client crash issue when setting up IMAP. | |
| | | THIOABMDB2 | Fixed an issue with the local archive. This regression was introduced in 901FP5. | |
| Offline (DOLS) |
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| | | THIOABJ5N7 | In standards mode which is available from iNotes 9.0.1 FP5, Domino Offliner Services is not enabled. This issue is fixed in 9.0.1 FP7 in which... | |
| Server |
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| | | SHIHAAJ6EZ | Fixed a server crash issue. | |
| | | LRHGAAG9DR | Fixed a server side multi threaded issue caused by SPR SHEZ9QUKFF. Fix for SHEZ9QUKFF is Off by default server side. This regression was... | |
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| | | CSAO9XJAFD | Fixed the arrow icon of vertical scroll bar. This is a regression in 9.0.1. | |
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| | | JALAAC3JMF | Fixed an issue with typeahead search in a view and folder. | |
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