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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for EditorEditor
SANECDUJ7HClient - Editor - Fixed a problem with embedded Word documents and multiple screens when using Windows scaling. This regression was introduced in...
ANIACZD5MUClient - Editor - Fixed an issue in the Japanese Notes Client where copying and pasting a document link into the body of a message resulted in the...
XBYND739TYClient - Editor - Fixed an error where opening a document could result in the error "Document has too many paragraphs - it must be split into several...
SANECZ5JNKClient - Menus - Mac - Fixed an issue on the Mac where the right click context menu did not stay open if the mouse cursor is moved down in the menu. ...
MSAHD65CNTClient - Editor - PNG file import - Added a notes.ini - ImgCompressNConvertToJpg=1 - which is off by default. Setting this new ini to 1 will convert...
TKAAD6M757Client - Images - Fixed an issue where text in images was blurred in images captured using the Shift + Windows + S key. Enabled the ini...
CSAOCF5B23Client - Editor - Fixed an issue where some Japanese characters became garbled in subject, To, CC, BCC fields. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
BRISCXDRGSServer - IMAP - Fixed a problem of serving up some internal-use only items to IMAP clients. This regression was introduced in 14.0.
Hide details for Install/Setup/RegistrationInstall/Setup/Registration
JADGC5KJ84Client - Mac - Fixed an issue on Mac where Notes client could not connect to the server when connected over VPN. The error was "Unable to find path...
Hide details for JavaJava
JZHUD3Z2HPProgrammability - Fixed an issue with Java agents where System.out.println() in a scheduled Java agent was not printing to the Domino Console. This...
SPPPD6LF89Programmability - Java Agents - Fixed a memory leak in Java agents. This regression was introduced in 14.0.
IFBTCZR7U3Client - Java - OSGI - Removed osgi.framework.extensions property from jvm.properties as it is not compatible with Eclipse 4.6 and fails to load....
Hide details for Java AgentsJava Agents
NGRTD27LGVServer - Java Agent - Fixed a crash that could occur when running java agents. Crash was in GetLocalPoolDesc during DbClose processing. This...
JJARD7HDXSProgrammability - Java Agents - Fixed an issue where a Java Agent that connects to another system via HTTPS was giving the error...
Hide details for JVMJVM
UMAKD6ECS7Server - JVM - Fixed a crash that could occur if there were too many JAR files in the NDEXT folder - error given 'Number of jar files bigger than MAX...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
AKURD7BH5CProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with array of Long assignment - now set INI LS64BITByRefPointerSupport OFF by default as it broke...
Hide details for MailMail
JVEKAR7J8FClient - Mail - Fixed an issue where public email groups did not expand. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP8
KWAED2397GiNotes - Mail - Fixed an issue where iNotes failed to forward multiple documents with attachment in particular cases. This regression was introduced...
KWAED2M9SAiNotes - Fixed an issue where JavaScript error occurred when a user tried to open a signed and/or encrypted mail in HTTP access if TLS access was...
SANED4SJBPClient - Mail - Fixed a crash that occurred when entering an internet email id and then clicking on the body of the email. This regression was...
ASAED2LJB5iNotes - Mail - Fixed an issue where user was unable to open stationary and unable to use forward or reply with attachment if the body had HTML...
SSARBJ3BGYClient - Mail - Fixed an issue where charset was wrong after saving a MIME email in draft mode. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1...


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