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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 10.0.1 FP610.0.1 FP6
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
AYAVBM8AS2Client - Mac - Fixed an issue where viewing Notes attachment on MAC Catalina fails due to temp folder being created inside restricted base folder....
NPDIBRRD7QClient - Mac - Fixed an issue in meeting invidation where calendar date picker for custom date goes blank. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1...
AYAVBSCHYPClient - Mac - Big Sur - Fixed an issue where Notes client would crash on Big Sur. This regression was introduced in 11.0 and 10.0.1...
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
KBRNBP9RV5Server - Fixed an issue where multiple RunOnServer agents were not thread safe.
Hide details for Directory ServicesDirectory Services
MOBNBPQQEAAdmin Client - Fixed an issue in Admin client where Managing File Directory ACL was losing entries on Linux systems. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for EditorEditor
SSARBN8KVLFixed an issue where scrolling doesn't work when we drag and drop an attachment and try to scroll upwards with attachment selected. This fixes...
ATHNBQPBXLClient - Mac - Fixed an issue with spell check not detecting mis-spellings for Hungarian, Hebrew and Korean languages. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for FormsForms
DLIMBNN36GDesigner - Fixed an issue where Forms would open in Notes Client instead of Designer if Help window was opened in Designer and dragged to Controls...
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
SHJRBCGEX4Server - Full text indexing of attachments - Introduced an INI - TIKA_FORCE_PDF_SORT=1 to work around an issue where full text index attachment...
Hide details for HTTP ServerHTTP Server
SPPPBMDGUFDomino - HTTP server - Classic Web Applications may no longer work because of the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff http header that is always included...
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
PSHEBMRFE7LotusScript - Fixed an issue with NotesJSONNavigator class GetElementByPointer method where some multi-bype strings were getting truncated. This...
Hide details for MailMail
SKUEBJBE9YMail - Fixed an issue where contacts that were saved by a delegated user would not be visible to the user after saving. This regression was...
PDARBQXF7WClient - Mac Catalina - Fixed an issue where user was not able to add a gmail calendar - would get a security dialog box. This regression was...
FPAIBQFK2SiNotes - Fixed an issue where an attendee who was removed from an encrypted meeting did not receive the uninvite notice. This regression was...
Hide details for PreferencesPreferences
KMOABNUAV7iNotes - Fixed an issue where the outline of iNotes Preferences page is corrupted in Kazakh localized UI. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1...
Hide details for PrintingPrinting
ASHEBPCBBRNotes - Printing - Fixed an issue where printing a Java applet resulted in a gray box. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP8.
KKOOBR3ETAiNotes - Fixed a Javascript erfor that could occur on IE when trying to print an mail message. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1...
Show details for Roaming userRoaming user


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