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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
MDAABXMC4KServer - Fixed an issue where Domino server will no longer crash when a corrupt IDTable is to be returned during view open - enabled using...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
PMAEC5TB9EClient - High Resolution - Fixed an issue where mail preview and mini view font would change to bold/blur when drag and drop an email into the Mini...
Hide details for DesignDesign
PANNB68QEDClient - Standard - Outlines - Fixed an issue in Standard Notes client where a url within an outline would not work. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for EditorEditor
ADEEC5YHVHClient - Drag and Drop - Fixed an issue with the Notes Client where Drag and Drop of an attachment from Notes to Chrome or Firefox browser would...
Hide details for Forms/Subforms/PagesForms/Subforms/Pages
ASHAC5LFZ3Client - Editor - Fixed an issue where OLE objects were not automatically getting launched. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
WSZO7JU6U6Server - Full Text Index - Fixed an issue where log files were showing error 3351 (Open error) during full text indexing of...
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
SGHHCDABAZ iNotes - Fixed an issue where a cross origin exception would occur when another user's mail file on another server was opened as delegate and the...
Hide details for ToolbarsToolbars
ECRAB8USGYClient - Toolbars - Fixed an issue where customized toolbar settings were reset to default setting when restarting Notes. This regression was...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP710.0.1 FP7
Hide details for Alternate Name SupportAlternate Name Support
CSAOBXV3F4iNotes - Fixed an issue where delegation didn't work correctly for an iNotes user using an alternate name. Adminp would fail with an error about "The...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
SJOIBX7G3JiNotes - Fixed an error that would occure when Delegatee accessed Chair's Calendar when there are any Private documents. This regression was...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
SBAMBU8PHNClient - Calendar - Fixed an issue where if an invite contained a broken image link, user would be unable to accept the invite due to an error:...
JADGBTYJJWClient - Fixed an issue where Notes would hang when we select calendar sorting Entries & Notices based on Last Modified column. This regression was...
Hide details for ClientClient
DMDDBG6NWZ iNotes - Fixed an issue where local archives were showing up in the archive list for a Domino server when they shouldn't have been. This regression...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
SAPLBPEFVWClient - General - Fixed issue where action bar text would be truncated in some screen resolutions. This regression was introduced in...
SAPLBWQFEPClient - Windows 10 - Fixed an issue where mail, calendar and contact text would appear blurred. This regression was introduced in...
SAPLBWQHTDClient - Editor - Fixed an issue where the tail of characters like g, j and y were not displaying correctly in mail when editing. This regression...


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