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Regressions\fixed in... Recommended Release (14.0 FP1)


Hide details for 10.0.1 FP810.0.1 FP8
Hide details for AdministrationAdministration
KKOOC8K9EYServer - Fixed a crash that could occur in adminp during "Rename In Shared Agent" request in admin4.nsf, This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
UTOOC7Y9DSiNotes - Fixed an issue where the attachment file name was being truncated when a very long file name attachment file is being downloaded. This...
KWAEC8LADYiNotes - Fixed a problem where iNotes fails to open or download an attachment on Chrome or Edge if the attachment file name contains double bytes...
HHIEC9C9Y6iNotes - Added a work around fix for an issue with Safari browser where it fails to handle filename* attribute in Content-Disposition header if the...
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
CSAOC2R69MiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue on IE where the calendar form would shift to the left when switching between types. This regression was...
PCHNC7ZDY7Client - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the FYI field of a new meeting invitation showed to recipients after accepting the meeting. This regression...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
TSAOC8WJPXClient - Fixed an issue in Notes view accessibility code that could occur for categorized views where the name of categories was not being read out. ...
TSAOC8Z35GClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue in Editor code for handling of childids sent through Accessibility APIs. This regression was introduced in...
TSAOC8ZC8AClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with accessibility in editor that would occur while sending different accessibility objects from richtext...
ADEECBUCA7Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS did not read out hyperlinks in rich text fields. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
HHIE9FMFWCClient - Fixed an issue where Notes client would not fully exit when user's current password did not meet the requirements set by their...
Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
MDAABXMC4KServer - Fixed an issue where Domino server will no longer crash when a corrupt IDTable is to be returned during view open - enabled using...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
PMAEC5TB9EClient - High Resolution - Fixed an issue where mail preview and mini view font would change to bold/blur when drag and drop an email into the Mini...
Hide details for DesignDesign
PANNB68QEDClient - Standard - Outlines - Fixed an issue in Standard Notes client where a url within an outline would not work. This regression was introduced...
Hide details for EditorEditor
ADEEC5YHVHClient - Drag and Drop - Fixed an issue with the Notes Client where Drag and Drop of an attachment from Notes to Chrome or Firefox browser would...
Hide details for Forms/Subforms/PagesForms/Subforms/Pages
ASHAC5LFZ3Client - Editor - Fixed an issue where OLE objects were not automatically getting launched. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
WSZO7JU6U6Server - Full Text Index - Fixed an issue where log files were showing error 3351 (Open error) during full text indexing of...
Show details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous


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